View Full Version : Eye Problems

05-07-12, 09:26
My anxiety had been going really well up until id tired myself out from a good few days activities since then it seems ive let it all overcome me again.

My problem at the moment as has been since last November is my eye i feel like its blurry (but its not) and i can just always feel it (probably due to thinking about it) I also squint a lot if its to bright. I had a eye appointment and my eyes havent got any worse in 12 years they took a picture of the back of the eye where there was no issues and after my eye felt improved for a while until this new anxiety kicked in. Just wandering is it anxiety does anybody else have these issues or is my head thinking about MS right and it is a more serious problem. Stupid i know but just thought id ask youg guys.

05-07-12, 10:47
Hi that sounds like me, this post lol. I have eye issues and they are definitely worse if i'm anxious or panicked. I also only have it one eye it's as if they feel unbalanced or one is under a shadow some of the time. When i am affected by anxiety i can hardly read text messages and then when it goes it becomes much clearer, it's crazy. MS doesnt really give just blurry vision that comes and goes either. Eye appointments now days are really good for detecting anything that is wrong. :)

05-07-12, 10:55
Hi i guess it feels better that im not alone in regards to this as its been getting worse and worse the more i think about it and i just cant quite bring myself around to believing its my anxiety which i know causes my other issues but then i think well look ive got 3 or 4 surely they cant all be anxiety but then i was away on holiday and not 1 issue at all plus ill forget about it when im doing things then oops i remember and its back. Its crazy im starting to feel like im nuts and just dont know why i cant shake it off as i know in my head its anxiety. Thats what was funny is my eye appointment was fine i need glasses and have done for 15 years but never have done and my eyes were better straight after. Mine is always my left eye.

05-07-12, 11:04
Yeah the problem is your memory triggers it again, it is really hard to break and i think the more we try the more we are giving it attention. I have been told to accept it is there and that its been there a while and that is as bad as it will get and carry on. Dont try and get rid of it or live in hope it wont come back because that is causing you stress and will increase your anxiety. That is why it is so hard to break because its a cycle. It really wouldnt go away just for your holiday would it... I have been told all the time i still fear it, it will stay.
It is horrible when your sight is affected as you cant really escape it but just try and think it wont get any worse and you have done the thig anyone would do (that doesnt have anxiety) and have checked it out properly.

05-07-12, 12:17
Hi Jayred - been having a similar problem with my right eye. A few months ago it twitched like mad but once that stopped it felt really tired. Then all symptoms went away but for the past couple of weeks I've had an on/off ache in it along with a cloudiness and fullness. I seem to spend half my day pulling on my lower/upper eyelids because it feels like they're sticking to my eye. My doctor checked my eyes about 3 months ago because I was worried about optic nerve damaged and she said they looked fine. I've had my anxiety under control for a while but I can feel myself getting a little worked up over it. xx

05-07-12, 15:22
is it a slight loss of sharpness, rather than blurry? i get this if i've been focusing on something close up for too long and then i look long distance, and sometimes when my eye is tired, my optician said it's just eye strain, i've also felt like i couldn't see quite so well out of one eye even though there was no change to my vision that time, but i felt like something was strange, i think that was from rubbing my eyes, i must have ever so slightly hurt the muscle around the eye. could be either of these causing you to feel there's a problem. and now that you've mentioned it my right eye feels weird LOL so our attention to it definitely plays a role xx

06-07-12, 11:44
Rockydog thank you im going to give that a try you seem to know exactly how to deal with it and yeah because its my eye it has a knock on affect and makes me think my balance is affected which kicks in my nerves and other things get affected its just bloody annoying.

Meche dont let it ponder or bother you keep on the good path as you know how to deal with it and get rid of it so keep up the good work.

And yeah it is more of a less sharpness then blurry really mainly when both eyes are opened as when i close 1 eye theres no difference. I do have slight twitches and shakes but that is only when im nervous which obviously has that affect

---------- Post added at 11:44 ---------- Previous post was at 11:43 ----------

It probably is eye strain as im always focussing on it and playing around moving it so my own doing just cant shake it off

06-07-12, 14:37
Thanks Jayred - I'm feeling loads better today although the eye symptoms are still there. I went into a bit of a panic yesterday because I've been doing so well and I think it was more the thought of going back to the place I was in a few months ago that stressed me out. I have a choice to either dwell on it or just get on with it - I'm choosing the latter :yesyes:! Hope you're doing ok. xx

10-07-12, 23:25
Hope you are coping better x
p.s although i know how to deal with it i still fail at times lol

17-07-12, 11:55
Hi, This is my first post.

I'm so releived to know that I've not been going mad this last year and that I'm not the only one suffering alone with this. I have been affected by depression and anxiety for many years but it's been just recently that I started gettig strange vision. It feels like pressure around my cheeks/eyes and my sight is blurry. I thought it was just that I needed glasses but after checking I have 20/20 vision , I even went to a specialist and there was nothing sinister to report. I find it so hard to explain to people what i'm feeling and I couldn't believe that other people have exactly the same symptoms. I have taken great comfort in knowing that i'm not alone. Thank you.