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View Full Version : Health Anxiety, Panic Attacks, so tired...

05-07-12, 13:20
Hi everyone, finally, after arriving at this site, I don't feel so alone in the lonely world of HA and everything that plagues me because of it. I feel so exhausted by the constant state of anxiety that I have been in for at least the last twenty years!! One little symptom or twitch anywhere in my body and the famous 'dread' feeling surges in the pits of my stomach, my brain goes on full alert, racing around like a washing machine and I start to spiral out of control into a panic attack, can't keep still, constantly on edge, it's so tiring. I don't sleep well and some nights I can go to bed and lay there all night until the sun comes up, then start my day in a zombie state, plodding along with my health anxiety and whatever chronic illness that my brain has decided that I will suffer from today.

I have tried CBT three times over the years, with good results, I'm not a tablet taker as the very sight of a box of tablets puts the fear of God into me, brain races again wondering what the hell will happen to me if I dare take them to make myself feel better. I bit the bullet last week though when the doc finally convinced me that there is a time and a place for meds and now is the time for me. I reluctantly agreed to take the diazepam 2mg, but not before I had convinced myself that I would surely lose control and end up in hospital, die a sudden death, then ponder what songs they will play at my funeral!! How the mind works eh!? Even reading this back I feel ridiculous!

Well I didn't die and nothing awful happened to me! I managed to have a good rest from the good old nervous system and just took one 2mg tablet at nighttime. Of course, the first one I took, I immediately went into stark panic attack, but like I said earlier, I'm still here to tell the tale. I took the tablets for three days and have put the rest aside for when I feel out of control with anxiety once more - the anxiety never leaves by the way, I always feel sick, numb, nervous, headaches, eye pain (convinced it's a brain tumour of course)! I also have severe tinnitus and it drives me crazy.

I am a mother of two children who both have special needs, so I HAVE to stay alive and well to look after them as nobody knows them like I do. Oh I wish I could be at peace with myself and not worry unnecessarily about chronic illnesses that I don't have. Just when you think you are free of the dread, then the relapse happens out of nowhere.

anyway, that's a bit about me, so lovely to have found you all. Please feel free to message me, and thank you for taking the time to read my post.

big hugs :bighug1:xx

05-07-12, 14:41
Oh wow I know your story I live it too! I'm glad to know I'm not alone imalso a mum to a child with special needs and I think sometimes the enormous weight of it and constant stress makes me more anxious! I constantly play the what would happen if I wasn't here record driving myself to insane panic!

I'd love to chat more, maybe pm?

Love Claire xxx

05-07-12, 14:53
Hi Claire, thanks so much for replying, it's nice to know there is someone else in the same boat. I drive myself insane worrying constantly and making myself ill over everything. It's a real struggle to cope when you feel so crappy yourself. How old is your little one? I tend to keep a lot to myself as I find it really hard to express how i feel to others as i don't want to look like i can't cope. I can't stand feeling like this all the time.

Be great to keep in touch, I will reply to every message and hopefully will be on here at the same time at some point. Thanks once again for replying, great to hear from you.
Amanda xx

05-07-12, 19:43
hi amanda i am 56 year old male,who is relativly new to HA [3 years]but can completly understand as i am also stuck in the same boat as yourself.The worst part for me is that you think it may be easing ,but then hits as bad as ever.I also have OCD,and continualy checkskin,testicles,poo and blood in mouth,especially after coughing.God i feel shattered all the time-which is a pain as i keep fit playing tennisetc,My 2 children are in their 20s now,and would of hated this while they were young.Good luck to you pete

06-07-12, 22:49
hope you got my other messge,as not too aux fait with computers