View Full Version : Increased anxiety/depression from discussing Anxiety

05-07-12, 18:59
Does anyone else find this?

I find that for example on joining this forum today and posting ect about my anxiety my anxiety levels increase; its the same currently with my psych/CBT therapy.

I find confronting my anxiety makes it worse and this seems to be part of that.

Any comments appreciated.

05-07-12, 19:07
Being busy sometimes makes you less anxious, having time to dwell on everything can sometimes make everything seem worse.

05-07-12, 19:09
Margaret I am the same - always seem worse when I have seen my psychiatrist - weird isn't it and get worked up before the appointment - think it is because we are discussing problems that are hitting a nerve - so to speak!

I am ok at my GPs but just the other appointment - daft because I am paying him good money!


05-07-12, 19:23
Me too, get very anxious when due to see shrink or CBT therapist even tho they are both really nice. Really stupid


05-07-12, 19:24
I agree Laura. I know logically you should go at a certain pace etc when confronting anxiety (a particular problem with me) but once in a state of anxiety I find that really tough to be logical.

My physchotherapist is great but its soooo slow and unfortunately my anxiety is affecting my life to the point of strangulation (hope that makes sense) I guess I mean paralysis.

Thanks for your input

07-07-12, 12:35
It's possibly something to do with bringing the Anx etc to the fore whilst speaking/talking about it etc. We ALL know what a sneaky b*st*rd this Anx can be!!
Good luck, anyway.

08-07-12, 11:14
Hello :)
I used to feel like this a lot. I didn't keep busy so I would always think of. All the bad things in my life making my anxiety worse but shutting myself off from people.
So instead now I keep busy every day and focus on all the positive things. I talk about my anxiety once a week with my councillor and then after this go to the gym or something to keep busy. Hope I have helped in some way xxx

08-07-12, 16:00
I get this aswell, I think that talking about anxiety brings it to the forefront of your mind and then it lingers, before discussing it, hopefully your mind was concerned with something trivial.

I agree with theharvestmouse, keeping busy takes your focus away from yourself.

I think that with CBT/Psychotherapits, the things that you talk about are so indepth and personal, that when you leave, everything you talked about goes around and around. Plus, you are also thinking about the techniques they have asked you to try.

08-07-12, 16:39
Unfortunately keeping busy on its own doesnt work for me as my anxiety is completely paralysing vital areas of my life. This vital area is moving from incredibly high cost accommodation to normal cost housing. I won't go into the reasons why but there is a known reason, as time has gone on so anxiety re moving has intensified to the point where I can't look at anything to do with moving on the Net for example. I have tried confronting it but that makes things 100 times worse so in discussion with my psychotherapist its agreed that focussing on the anxiety itself can only make things worse, so looking at underlying issues instead.

Until I'm settled its very hard to get into a routine yet how can I get settled if I can't move. The high cost of accommodatioon is obviously a huge anxiety in itself, let alone the problems surrounding moving. This has been going on for 18 months.

12-07-12, 21:22
Hey margaret, sadly I get like this aswell.. It's horrible and always at the worst times!! I know how ya feel x