View Full Version : Hi

05-07-12, 23:22

After a few weeks of looking at this site and the posts, I've finally plucked up the courage to post myself.

My name is Jon and Im 32. I've been suffering quite badly with anxiety and panic attacks over the past few months to the point that I am now off work and barely leaving the house. After a few visits to the Doctors and blood tests etc, I went back and was given Propranolol and then last week, I went back and I was given Citalopram 20mg. I have now been on both for a week. I am also going for an initial screening appointment for counselling tommorrow, which i am really nervous about.

I have found it quite reassuring, in a way, reading posts on here, It has made me realise that I am certainly not alone with the horrible symptoms and feelings associated with anxiety.

Jon :)

05-07-12, 23:32
Hi Jon1979

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

06-07-12, 00:01
Hi Jon and :welcome:to NMP ..Im sure you will find of help and support here.Glad you joined us ..T/c and all the best with your recovery ..Sue x

06-07-12, 09:13
Hi Jon
I have been in a similar situation. The anxiety got so bad that I was off work and found it very difficult to leave the house.
Medication and counselling (CBT) have really helped me. I was very nervous before starting counselling as I find it very difficult to talk about my feelings. However once I started talking I felt a great sense of relief. Now I can't stop 'sharing'!!
It has definitely helped me to begin to recover. I have been able to return to work for half days. I am feeling much more positive and I am regaining my self-confidence.
Even if it makes you feel anxious the first do give it a go and let us know how you get on.

06-07-12, 16:23
Thanks for your welcomes and kind words :)

I have been for my 1st appointment this afternoon and it went really well, the lady who I saw was really nice and very helpful. I have now been put on the waiting list for CBT, could be 4 weeks waiting time but at least I am in the system.

Jon :)