View Full Version : Can't sleep, big panic

06-07-12, 00:43
It is 1.30 AM, not sure if I even slept before, and I had a major scare. When I got home from my bf I did some house chores, then went to relax in front of the television for a bit. There I had this irritating cough, I felt like I wanted to cough up mucus, but couldn't. That's when the shortness of breath started. It freaks me out. It was still there when I went to bed, still here now. In the meantime I panicked and had to somehow get a grip on myself again. Feeling you're going crazy, fast heart rate, immensely hot, shaking, you know the feeling.. :(

I've toyed with calling the night doctor, calling my boyfriend. He has a big day tomorrow, so I refrained from doing so. My panic has subsided luckily, and now there's just the shortness of breath and a prickly feeling in my throat now and then. I have hay fever, but I never felt this way before. I'm not sure what asthma feels like, but I suspect it could be that. Or pure stress (I heard last week that I'll lose my job in December, I had a second job interview yesterday and awaiting the dreaded/anticipated phone call)

I think I'm going to try to sleep again now. I hope I feel better tomorrow.

06-07-12, 00:52
Hi Relika, sorry to hear you are feeling bad this evening. I am also panicky but not what about so came on here to see if it might help. I hope you feel better soon and get some sleep. It is horrible being awake all night only to have to be awake all day!

Good luck with the job interview - it is really a stressful time going through that!


06-07-12, 13:59
Hi, it sounds like you had some trouble and then it turned into a panic attack maybe. If you feel like you have mucus stuck in your chest, try mucinex if they have it over there. It thins mucus so it is easier to cough up.