View Full Version : Hot weather ?

06-07-12, 00:46
Can I just ask how everyone is dealing with this heat it's making me panic at night an hardly breathe :mad:

It's been raining all day and now this heat is unreal

06-07-12, 00:50
I went to work today and the lady I work with wanted to do the housework !!!!

I was sweating so much after and felt like crap.

I have a fan on in the bedroom all night

06-07-12, 00:59
It is really hot and quite humid (which is the worst, I think) and don't think we are used to it now.

Can you get a breeze to come in through the window or just sleep under a sheet?

A friend here says it's like Sydney weather... she's Australian and was struggling with it.

06-07-12, 17:57
I always feel worse in the hot weather. Wednesday and Thursday were hot and horribly humid. I forced myself to go to the shop on Wednesday (I'm agoraphobic) after picking up my son and felt faint & anxious. My heart was racing and my hands were shaking....but I forced myself to carry on, get what I had to get and walk home at a normal pace!!

Because I felt so horrible on Wednesday, I felt panicky picking my son up yesterday and felt horribly faint again. I had to keep repeating to myself that it was just feelings and I would be fine. Was really relieved to get home, though. Wish I could get my brain and body to believe me!! Today I wasn't too bad, because, although it was warm, it wasn't humid.
Just remember (and it is SOOO much easier for me to say than do!!) that we all coped in the years prior to our anxiety and panic so there is no reason why we cannot cope now xx

07-07-12, 02:14
i think the only problem is its raining and no wind and its just hot air that we are getting witch makes things worse

07-07-12, 03:16
Was so hot today and raining lol.
I need a new fan but the safer ones seem very expensive.
One trick that works is to freeze a few bottles of water and stand them infront of the fan and it really helps cool the air.

I find it hard to sleep when it's warm n sucks waking up in a stuffy room, as mine gets all the morning sun.

blue moon
07-07-12, 07:51
Maybe move to the tropics in North Queensland, that is what you call Bloody hot.