View Full Version : Scared of colon cancer can't focus on life

06-07-12, 01:57
Ok so I had bouts of health anxiety every 5 years or so....usually prompted by a symptom. I've gone in some pretty bad tailspins assuming the worth.

I am normally a very active vegetarian mid- 40s.

A couple of years ago I went to the bathroom and there was blood. I went to the doctor she did a scope and said it was hemmoroids. Still, I became neurotic about bowel movents thinking it may be something bigger. The next couple of years this a happened several times and went away with over the counter cream.

Ok fast forward, six months ago felt like hair was falling out, got it checked doctor said I had low iron and to take a supplement.

Four months later after a move and breakup started to notice loose bowels. Started eating health and noticed undigested food in bowels. Did search of colon cancer and saw low iron as main symptom. OMG Im dead! So, went to GI doctor who I hoped would reassure me rather with poker face ordered blood test, fecal matter test and colonoscopy. Now I'm frickin terrified. My bowels movements have normal last couple of weeks but keep thinking low iron means I have internal bleeding. Been putting off tests because so scared they are going to come back positive.

Anyone else had these symptoms and been okay. Finding it hard to live life when I am assuming the very worst about my health.

06-07-12, 14:04
I think that if your bowels return to normal it is more likely to be IBS or something like that. I have undigested food and I am 23. Usually it is when I have a lot of vegetables, as they are so fibrous. When I made sure I chewed my food better it actually went away.

Also I just want to point out that my mom did have a large tumor in her colon and they knew what it was, as her symptoms did not come and go like yours sound like they do. She had non-stop diarrhea for a few weeks that treatment did not help at all. She also was in a LOT of pain. They probably are doing the tests because you have been to the doctors for this before and also because you are near the age where colonoscopies are recommended as a regular preventive test anyway.

Just to add - I have hemmorhoids myself, it's quite common, my doc said don't worry if it comes back every once in a while. Same symptoms as you.

I'm sure everything is just fine. Good luck!

06-07-12, 14:44
Thank you, that is reassuring, I will keep you posted.