View Full Version : Question about Health Anxiety

06-07-12, 09:13
Okay, so to start this off, I'm 20 years old. I've been an anxiety nut for most of my life, varying in severity. I get stressed easily about things that other people don't, and I spend a few days / weeks stressing out about health anxiety related things.

Throughout my life, I've had about 5 episodes of extreme anxiety. The first on occurred when I was real young, probably about 8 or 9 years old, and I worried sick about going to hell after death. Silly, yes, but this sucked up my life for about 2 weeks before I eventually got over it.

The next episode was about my heart, when I was around 12 or 13 years old. I was getting these palpitations and scared myself sick about it, so I went to a cardiologist and they put a heart monitor to take home on me. Turned out that was okay, nothing wrong.

At about age 14, I worried about HIV because of learning about it in school. At this age is when I went on the computer a lot, so I made the major mistake of googling it, and actually convinced myself that I was going to die. Never went to the doctor, just eventually got over it.

A little over 2.5 years ago, I woke up one day with a light headed feeling and stressed insanely hard to the point where I didn't want to leave my house. I thought it was a brain tumor. I was stressing so hard that I started developing muscle twitches all over my body, and it scared me even more because I googled that being a symptom of a brain tumor. The twitches never went away, but I just got over it one day and ignored them because they are very minor, just annoying.

And here I am today, once again fearing for my life. I think I have lymphoma because of a small lump I found on the back of my neck, and I think the stress over that has caused my twitches around my body to flair up again, and along with that I have a tingling sensation around my body as well.. so I think I have a brain tumor and lymphoma.

Which brings the question... can you feel everlasting symptoms of anxiety long after a panic attack or stressing? Should I be worried that I still feel these twitches even when I'm not feeling anxious?

06-07-12, 10:32
I'd say you can. I've een anxious all my life too (I'm 56), the earliest I remember, I was 7. I never got any help till 5 years ago, since then, I've been alot better, but still get the symptoms without the thoughts. I just tell myself it's anxiety and ignore it. Often it goes away, but not always.

06-07-12, 14:09
yep, i get it quite often. also being tired (which anxiety can cause) can trigger twitches.