View Full Version : changing medication help I'm feeling scared!!!

06-07-12, 12:15
hi. Everybody
I'm a newbie
took seroxat for 12 years very good results til a couple of months ago it stopped working.Now on mirtazapine 8 weeks 30mg dont feel good i cant eat through the day feel scared of everything even getting in the bath sounds stupid but its true ive lost weight of course can onlly eat at evening after taking mirt and 2mg diazepam a cpn has been seeing me at home also a psychiatrist has been to see me twice he was the one who prescribed mirt and he also said the mirt could be upped to 45mg last friday the cpn told me i could only have the increased dose if i went to the clinic a30 mile round trip its impossible i cant get out of the house i feel like im being blackmailed IMsure iwould feel better on 45mg but im s ituck here in my four walls feeling scared and panicy is there anyone who could give me some advice I feel so alone Thanks I think this is a great site Good luck to you all my name is Denise

06-07-12, 12:25
Hi greenwood

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

06-07-12, 13:03
Thanks for the welcome Nicola . i've already read some of the pages and found them very helpful my name is Denise

06-07-12, 13:12
I am new on here and thought that it would be good to chat with like minded people! I have been on Citalopram 40 mg for 15 years and basically tried to take my own life two weeks ago. I have been referred to a phychatrist who has changed my medication.I took my first quitalprin 50 mg last night! It knocked me out.
I hadn't been sleeping at all as I stopped taking citalpram ( I took 15 40 mg tablets on my overdose)
I have also been given venaflaxine 75mg. I took my first one this morning.
Basically I have been like this for years and have managed to keep a job.
I have been signed off work though as it is now effecting my day to day functioning.
It would be interesting to hear other people's stories as you know , this still has a stigma attached to it and nobody understands.

06-07-12, 15:27
Hi Denise,
Sorry things are so bad for you at the moment, why not telephone you local GP and explain the dilema you have over getting a prescription, perhaps they will give you one for your Mirtazapine.

06-07-12, 16:44
Hi BobbyDog thanks for your message its good not to feel not so isolated.Ihave spoken to my GP he says its out of his hands because the psychiatrist is prescribing my meds.Im seriously considering telling the psych and the cpn that i dont want to continue seeing them all they have done is cause me more anxiety. if i do this i can get back to my GP and start taking small steps on getting out without being thrown in at the deep end.after all if i could do a 30 mile trip i wouldnt need the meds lol x

---------- Post added at 16:44 ---------- Previous post was at 16:20 ----------

Hi Alla so sorry to read all your problems i do hope your new meds will eventually help you i do agree non sufferers find it hard to understand us .You must have been in a very dark place to take an overdose.I hope you will find the support you need Denise x