View Full Version : Weight Loss

06-07-12, 17:01
Dear Friends --

I am starting to become afraid. Normally I suffer severe anxiety, but I have had a shift in the last couple of weeks where I am on a high of feeling happy, being around others that make me happy. Thus, I know I have not been taking care of myself like I should. I know there have been times I have only eaten once a day and I am not sleeping well. It actually is such a nice change emotionally, but I am losing a lot of weight. I guess this could be due to "explained" weight loss rather than me eating and eating and eating and losing. But, I don't like it. I sometimes even feel I have a lump in my throat so I have been worried about esophogeal cancer, and now any cancer. I do get hungry, and I have been trying to eat more the last day or two and I just feel a little nauseated after and then have to burp. I keep thinking and hoping this is all emotionally driven because there has been a good change in my life (I obviously can't handle it! ha!) but I just wanted to get your thoughts.
I do have an appointment with my doctor next Tuesday to discuss this, but I just needed someone to talk to about this between now and then. Thank you!

06-07-12, 17:15
I have lost weight also the last months. I haven't weighted myself lately, because I'll get more anxious about it. The big C is a worry for me also...but I'll give myself some more time...and hopefully when things will calm down, I'll start putting weight again.

House fan
07-07-12, 11:02
Hi Jen, I think if you were to keep a food diary and add up the calories you are consuming on a weekly basis, it would become very apparent why the pounds are dropping off. The 'lump' in your throat is called globus hystericus and has absolutely nothing to do with throat or esophageal cancer so you need not fear, I promise you!

One of the main problems with anxiety sufferers is that they are trapped with enormous guilt, and find it impossible to actually 'enjoy' life because this guilt simply doesn't allow it. An anxious person has been in a state of sensitization for so long that 'worry' and 'unhappiness' becomes the norm in daily life, and the moment that something good happens in their lives, they suddenly feel a great deal of guilt, as if they had no right to experience happiness.

Does this sound familiar??????

07-07-12, 11:17
i know where ur coming from - iv been happy and busy therefore not eating for conformt an have lost 11lbs an cos im anxious i eat for the sake of it and feel ill... my doc is gonna keep a eye on my weight too but said "stay happy" which is hard isnt it when u have health niggles

07-07-12, 18:31
Thank you all for your replies. I am still going to geta check up next week and discuss things with my doctor. I've put strange symptoms off for too long so it's time to get things evaluated. As a typical anxiety suffer, I will just say -- I hope it isn't too late!!
Yes, House, something good is happening to me and I don't know how to handle it. I am now trying to eat but it makes me feel nauseated and I belch a lot and just feel like something is stuck in my throat. Guess I need to just take my time with this. I didn't lose the weight overnight, and I won't gain it back overnight either. You are right, I don't feel I deserve this. I just wait for everything to be taken away. My one moment to feel differently from the way I have felt in YEARS, and I just wait for the catastrophe. It stinks. I wish I could just enjoy the good while it's here -- even though it isn't helping me care for myself very well.
Gemjones, it sounds as if feeling ill when trying to eat again is normal. I am glad you are under a doctor's care, but obviously they aren't worried. Hopefully we'll get through this and be happy AND eating again! ha ha!
Matrix -- when in doubt be sure and see your doctor. I have broken down to do just that. But, I am sure you are fine. Just keep an eye on it. I think it's all emotionally driven for us all. I would think there would be other symptoms present if it was something worse. That's what I keep telling myself -- and hoping! Hugs to all of you!