View Full Version : Hot headache and humid!!!

17-07-06, 12:32
Hi there - phew all I can say is 33 degrees- are they kidding!!!
I felt dizzy, headachey and breathless with no energy in my legs last time it was this hot but now they reckon next 2 days getting evenhotter in the south - Trying to decide whether going to work in the next few days is a good idea as no air con and just end up feeling ill all the time - roll on the rain and wind and normal sunshine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love wenjoy xx

17-07-06, 13:23
Hi mate, it's only me[:P]
Sorry, but it's a constant cool 21 degrees where I work.
I feel soooo bad about it ;)[Sigh...]

17-07-06, 14:44
Hi Wenjoy,

I think the heat is getting us all down at the moment lol

Lets pray for rain


17-07-06, 16:44
Too hot for me, just sitting with feet in a vat of cold water

Take care

'This too will pass'

marie ross
17-07-06, 19:30
Hi Wenjoy,

Really worried about the next few days and hoping that it will cool down soon!!!!!!!

This heat is making my anxiety much more worse and i am dreading picking the kids up from school in the afternoon because the sun will be so hot that time of day.

Oh well.........bring on the rain.......please!!!!!!!!!!!

Take care.

Marie XXX

17-07-06, 19:51
Oh me 2, im soooooooooooo tired and feel dizzy, I have 3 kids to run after aswell.

Hope you feel better soon.

18-07-06, 06:59
Hi guys
Yep itts def hotting up - 33 today in the south and possibly 36 tomorrow- my asthma, dizziness and sick feeling and headache all still with me. Will have to see how it goes at work today but will def ignore customers - sit in front of my desk fan - and drink gallons of water - dont think i could physically drink anymore than I am doing at the moment.

Apparently its supposed to break thursday but we may have weeks of this type of weather!!!! Feel sorry for all the men - including mylovely hubby - who have to wear the whole suit,shirt tie thing and sit in stuffy offices - poor things - at least us girls can wear dresses, blouses and skirts etc etc.

Love wenjoy x

18-07-06, 07:20

I agree this heat is horrible, even up here in chilly Scotland its too hot. The worst time is night time....the bedrooms in our house just seem to heat up like ovens at night. And then theres the flying beasties who want to come in if you leave the windows open too wide!!! My hubby went and bought a fan for each of the bedrooms yesterday....definitely helped a bit.

Roll on autumn!

Coni X

18-07-06, 18:12
Well- got through the day at work today but it was 84 in the shop and I felt faint and dizzy all day and now have a headache despite drinking 5 pints of wate rtoday!!!
May not go in tomorrow if its hotter as its not worth being ill over !!!
Love wenjoy x

polly daydream
18-07-06, 18:43
Yep, I feel just the same, I hate this weather it's rediculous. I would stay at home if you can, especially as there is no air conditioning. As we all know, heat can make our anxiety worse. Bring on the cooler weather!!!!!!!!!!

Take care all,

Polly x

april tones
20-07-06, 00:02
It is awful

35 temp its been here today!
hot now too! makes you feel anxious and out of control x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

marie ross
20-07-06, 09:00
Oh bliss!!

It rained last night and its lovely and cool down here in the Midlands!!!

Hope it stays this way!!

Take care.

Marie XXX

20-07-06, 09:33
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Oh bliss!!

It rained last night and its lovely and cool down here in the Midlands!!!

Hope it stays this way!!

Take care.

Marie XXX

<div align="right">Originally posted by marie ross - 20 July 2006 : 10:00:16</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">


(Hee Hee!)


20-07-06, 09:43
The prediction for the UK we saw dowm]n her ein Au was for 39 there
How did you all get on?

Don't believe everything you think.

20-07-06, 16:25
Its unbearable isnt it. I have kept my kids off school today & wont be sending them tomorrow, its their sports day & im sorry but i dont want them out in the sun all day, no way. Ive struggled when it comes to picking them up after school. Its 5 miles away & i have to get there 15 mins before they finish & i dont have air con. Ive never struggled with the heat like this in my life. I keep getting headaches, i just hope it stops soon. I hate moaning because we all hate the winter but this is terrible. Its breezy today so hopefully its going to cool down now. I iron for a living too, and i dont think thats helped. This is the first time in my life ive had swollen feet. And to top it off ive got a stinking cold at the moment. Its so hot the snot seems to be melting & pouring out all night, sorry grossed you out :D
Caz xxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

marie ross
20-07-06, 16:27
Hi again!!

Well i said the wrong thing earlier on!!! It was cool this morning but i''m eating my words now- I'M ROASTING!!!!!!


Take care.

Marie XXX

20-07-06, 17:21

I got my first panic attack a year ago, in heat.
ever since then my main cause of scare was the fact that i would get really HOT and sweaty..and HOT..HOT..HOT..from then i started to hate the heat like the plague...

its is now 105F or 40.5C where i am at..welcome to hell. :(


marie ross
20-07-06, 17:30
Oh My God!!!

How do you cope??????????? I would not be able to leave the house at all. I'm moving to Iceland - I've had enough!!!!

Take care.

Marie XXX

Ps. The country not the shop - I don't think they would appreciate it!!!

20-07-06, 17:58
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
Ps. The country not the shop - I don't think they would appreciate it!!!

<div align="right">Originally posted by marie ross - 20 July 2006 : 18:30:42</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

That just really made me laugh!!!!!


Think heat hysteria is setting in!


20-07-06, 18:00
well i live in NYC, so the subway here are one of the main means of transportation, hence all the subway cars are Air Conditioned..

however waiting for the train is ridiculous, the stations get up to 108F or 42C and it is a nightmare. i try to stay hydrated, and i try to think positive and think about how all of the people waiting with me are going through the same thing..it gives me hope and feeling of not being alone. and let me just say there are so many people that you pass by everyday that are dealing with the same thing you are or even worse.

also i invested in an AC for my apartment, really good investment even tho it runs up the bill =\ .. however its worth knowing that youre coming home into an airconed environment, makes me ecstatic just thinking about it..YAY


20-07-06, 18:15
Hi all - yep its unbearable!!

Got up to 33 yesterday and today although its only 29 its so humid I cant breathe - my head hurts - I feel dizzy and had to keep sitting down at work int he shop as well as guzzling 8 glasses of water all day and now I just feel sticky and tearful coz I love life but the heat is really getting me down!!!

Marie and Caz - yep it rained last night for 20 minutes but then it got hotter and hotter again!!! Dam !!!!

Think id like to live with Santa Claus with the snow and ice!!
Love wenjoy x

20-07-06, 18:29
It is hot thats for sure! Roll on the winter! Nice and cool.

x x

21-07-06, 14:25
I keep feeling guilty for moaning about this heat because i am not a fan of the winter but this really is weird this yr. Maybe its me but i cant cope with it. Ive got a cold at the moment so maybe my body temp is messed up but this heat makes me stressed, my whole body is just constantly sticky. I keep getting spots too & i never even had those as a teen :D This yr i just seem to be falling to bits! Remember folks when you turn 35 its all downhill! Ha! Only kiddin. My mates 35 too & swans through life no hassles.
Caz xxxxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!