View Full Version : Another newby

07-07-12, 10:02
Hi folks, i'm Stuart, everyone calls me Stu though so feel free.

I thought i'd register on here and see if i can find more info on anxiety and it's colleagues. I am currently seeking 'help' from a counsellor who, as yet still can't determine whats actually wrong with me other than that i have a 'strange type of anxiety' (helpful huh) and very low self esteem, I won't go in to too much detail here as it's my 1'st post!

I'm hoping (hoping isn't really the right word, but it's the only one i can think of) there are people who have been in my situation and have dealt with it successfully - i honestly wouldn't wish this on anyone as it's a very solitary place to be.

Anyways.. i'll shut up and just say.. "hi" :)

07-07-12, 10:17
Hi stu81

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

07-07-12, 11:09
I think we can all empathize with you Stu, hope you get lots of valuable advice here at NMP.


07-07-12, 18:18
Thanks Bobbydog.

To be honest, i don't even know where to start looking as 'we' don't even know what is wrong properly. i know i suffer from anxiety, but the type of anxiety is unknown. i can be fine one minute, open an email and have a panic attack, but open the next and be fine.

Sometimes even just walking through the office and hearing people laugh can set me off.
That's not to mention the fact that my brain just doesn't ever shut up

07-07-12, 18:37
Thanks Bobbydog.

To be honest, i don't even know where to start looking as 'we' don't even know what is wrong properly. i know i suffer from anxiety, but the type of anxiety is unknown. i can be fine one minute, open an email and have a panic attack, but open the next and be fine.

Sometimes even just walking through the office and hearing people laugh can set me off.
That's not to mention the fact that my brain just doesn't ever shut up

Sorry Stu, I have been where you are now and it is not a very nice place to be - the only way is up.
Do you take any medication?
PM if you like.

07-07-12, 18:54
I hope the only way is up.
I find myself staring at the bottom of an empty bottle most nights, it's got to a point where i take a couple of sleeping pills and a quarter bottle of what ever i fancy just so i can get to sleep.
If not i go to bed, lay there for maybe 5 mins and the palpitations start as my brain goes in to over load. My counsellor says that that part is caused my me not setting up any boundaries to what and how i think about stuff.

Sometimes its like my brain is a separate entity to me. I can actually 'step back' from a conversation i'm having and see it from a 3'rd person perspective, i can trick myself in to doing stuff i don't like (probably just as well or i'd never make it to work!!) by miss-directing my thoughts - a bit like pretending to throw a ball for a dog so the dog runs off anyway, even though the ball is still in your hand.

When i mentioned that part to my counsellor... the only two words she said, that registered to me, where schizophrenic and psychotherapist, which made me feel even more anxious. Catch 22 'eh !

sorry for burbling on :blush:

07-07-12, 22:12
Hi Stu

I'm a newbie on here too. Just been reading you post and I too had a really bad time at work (I'm signed off at the moment), answering the phone, reading emails, even walking to the printer would get me started sometimes. Strange thing this anxiety lark!

Take care