View Full Version : Heart Pounding After Eating

07-07-12, 10:10
Hi All,

28 year old, long time anxiety/panic sufferer, used to take Citalopram 10mg, but I got well enough to stop taking them in 2005. I now take Amitriptyline 10mg for migraine prevention since 2009.

After I eat my heart starts pounding and goes up to about 90-100BPM. This usually starts about 30-60 minutes after eating, but this does not happen every time, if I've got other things on my mind or busy or whatever I don't notice it. Obviously I have used Dr.Google and scared myself into thinking I have got an enlarged heart or other heart problems?

I have been trying to eat different things to see if its something I'm eating but it doesn't really make a difference. The trouble is as soon as I've eaten 9 times out of 10 I'm thinking about it!

07-07-12, 13:33
The heart rate will naturally increase after eating - that is perfectly normal

07-07-12, 14:39
Hi Nicola,

Thanks for your reply.

I do appreciate that the heart rate will naturally increase to aid the digestion process but should it become noticeably uncomfortable?

07-07-12, 21:55

I think it might be two contributing factors

1) the heart is right near the stomach - so any distension means its closer to the heart, therefore vibrations caused by the beats are more noticeable

2) the ingredients in food, particularly sugar etc can cause an increase in heart rate


07-07-12, 22:43
the biggest cause is more than likely u thinking of it and self checking friend -

09-07-12, 13:43
Sick of this happening, I feel like my heart is going to wear out and stop!

House fan
09-07-12, 14:47
It won't.

Are you doing what I suggested?

Give it more time, I know how frustrating it is, believe me!

16-08-12, 14:10
This is still happening, seems to happen more when I eat things with Gluten in them like flavoured crisps, bread etc. I just don’t understand how my head can cause my heart to pound about an hour after I eat everytime?

House fan
16-08-12, 15:17
Your head isn't the problem, and neither is your heart. You have a raw stomach and the acid which is produced approx 40 minutes after eating is causing your heart to 'pound'.

You didn't mention how long it lasts before returning to it's normal rate but I would guess it would be 1-1/2 hours. Would this be right?

I'm so sorry you are still having this problem. I know only too well what you are experiencing but until the acid problem is taken care of, I suspect the problem will remain.

16-08-12, 19:29
Yes the pounding stops about 1 - 1hr 30min after. I did try and do what you suggested with the Gaviscon, but I only took it twice and didn't notice any change. Guess I need to try it for a lot longer. I do get a lot of burning acid every couple of weeks or so. Are there any health implications of taking acid/indigestion remedies everyday?