View Full Version : Two steps forward...one step back

07-07-12, 12:05
Does anyone else feel like this?
I have been making a lot of progress over the last few weeks. My mood has lifted and I feel much more positive. My self-confidence has been slowly returning and my medication and CBT have been helping to feel much calmer.
However yesterday and today I have felt my anxiety rising again in the background and I have felt more and more on edge. There is no reason that i am aware of (although I am sure there is plenty going on in my subconscious!).
I am feeling pretty tired from my return to work so I guess the tiredness is contributing to my anxiety. It just feels like such a battle!
I know it will be a bumpy road to recovery but that doesn't stop it getting me down when I have a bad day.
At least I am moving in the right direction I suppose!:)

expecto patronum
07-07-12, 13:14
Hello Holly, yes I'm feeling a bit like this at the moment. I do really well and then I get so down when I have a rough day, as I always feel like I won't be going back to that 'dark place' again when I feel on top of things (even though I know that's not logical). As Claire Weekes would say 'respite can highlight suffering'. I'm sure your return to work is a factor, having a 'wobble' always feels worse when you're tired. You sound like you're coping really well though, well done :bighug1:

07-07-12, 22:23
To be honest you will have to be prepared for these setbacks, its a frustrating part of recovery, one that myself and many other people on here have suffered.

You have to just think that its a blip and it will pass.

08-07-12, 06:48
We have all been there Holly1,
Life is a Rollercoaster ride, you are heading in the right direction.
Perhaps you will feel better once you get back into a proper routine.

08-07-12, 17:12
Hi all, thanks for your replies.
Its hard to take the setbacks but as you rightly say its all part of the recovery process. I just need to be patient (not one of my strong points!)

08-07-12, 22:40
When I make progress and have a decent week I forget how bad the anxiety can be so as soon as it rises it's ugly head. It seams a bit worse than it was before just remember we're the normal ones it's just everyone else :)