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View Full Version : bad nights in the air

17-07-06, 13:34
Hi all,

It seems a lot of us are having bad nights. Mine have been consisting of a racing heart - for hours and racing thoughts to match and just when I start to calm down the slightest noise sets me off again and I get so worked up. I know its because I worry about the lack of sleep when I have to get up at 0600 to go to work and I'm not a morning person at the best of times - so I get so worked up - thinking now I am only going to get 5 hrs sleep and then 4hrs etc etc..............then the next day I feel headachey (pressure in the head and face) and like someone has pulled my spark plugs out....tension and tiredness I hope.

can anyone else assure me this is just anxiety?

Scared in Vietnam and not very wonderwoman like.....hahahaha


17-07-06, 17:50
hi ya yep sounds like anxiety to me and everyone is suffering in the heat think it makes it worse!!! have you tried having a fan in your bedroom? it may help! best wishes kaz

17-07-06, 23:37
Hey hun,

I agree with kaz, it sounds like anxiety to me. Also with the heat, it makes me feel panicky and anxious as well, i start to think I'm suffocating. leaving a window open helps alleviate some of the symptoms.
if being tired worries you then you're more likely to worry; its a vicious circle. you worry about the lack of sleep and worry means you cant sleep and so on. If you have trouble sleeping, try a herbal remedy -valerian is good. if that doesn't work, maybe your GP could prescribe some tablets for a little while, to help your sleeping routine realign.

Take care hun,

Katie xxx

"If I can wipe from any human cheek, a tear,
Convince one man that hope and heaven are near,
Create more joy, more hope, less pain,
And though not one shall know my name nor drop a flower on my grave,
I shall not have lived in vain while here."

18-07-06, 06:05
Thank you for your replies,

I get so scared because I am in a strange Country and the what if monster is constantly sitting on my shoulder saying things like - maybe it isn't anxiety, maybe you haven't had enough tests ( have had 2 ecgs, 2 chest x-rays and numerous blood tests) what if, what if, what if......

I am only 37 but I feel like I am 97 most days...........and that of course makes me feel very unhealthy and starts the cycle all over again.

18-07-06, 08:43
Hi - I'm sure its the heat - sounds like me with the racing heart - feels like its come out the blue when it wakes you - but really I'm sure its all our unconscious thoughts triggering it - specially if you're away from home and bound to be a bit anxious anyway.

I take Quiet Life (which has valerian) and drink lots of chamomile tea - if its really bad I get up and potter to distract myself and sometimes sleep downstairs on the couch as its a bit cooler - you'll sleep if you need to so don't punish youself by forcing it I say!

Enjoy your stay and the new experiences.
