View Full Version : Smoking

07-07-12, 16:48
Hi everyone,
I'm going through a really bad patch right now. I've had anxiety troubles for 2 years, all starting when I tried to give up smoking. I felt fine for about an hour then this horrible wave of anxiety came over me and I had a fag to calm down. I had previously only smoked 5 or so a day but I started smoking more like 20 as the anxiety had really got hold of me. I managed, after a time, to cut back down to 5 a day on citalopram, but I still thought about smoking constantly and every day was a struggle. It's recently got really bad again and I'm smoking more and more, going down to the shops in my nightie in the mornings.

I went back to the doc and she changed my meds to sertraline because she says it helps with obsession, which she thinks is my problem, and has referred me to a psychiatrist.

I feel like I'm in prison. Desperate not to smoke, but totally compelled to. I want to stop because I know it rules my life but I can't imagine getting through stress and panic without it. I've heard the Allen Carr book is helpful because it makes you not want to smoke, and I've also thought about hypnosis. I would so dearly appreciate any words of wisdom from people who've suffered anxiety, stopped smoking and come out the other end in one piece.

I never used to smoke at weekends because I know it upsets my fiancé but right now I can't stop. I desperately want to be a non-smoker.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. X

07-07-12, 18:44
Hi Jenny.

Giving up smoking is one of the most difficult things to do, because of the way it is thought about (in my opinion). I started smoking on nights out clubbing at 18, then for some reason and i honestly don't know why i started, while i was at work. Again, for no reason other than because it 'had' me, i started smoking at home too. (there is a point here, honest)

My new years resolution, for 2010 was to give up smoking.
The first time i tried stopping i ended up having really bad shakes and stomach cramps all from just wanting to smoke.
The second time i tried to stop i managed two weeks before i ended up so irritable and short tempered that i started self harming myself through punching things like walls and doors (not clever, i know)

The third time i cheated. I decided not to say "i'm never going to smoke again" as never is a bloody long time and the word in itself makes me feel quite anxious. So, i packed all my smoking stuff in to a carrier bag and gave it to my sister (not ideal either, but she has no intention of quitting) From that moment onwards i simply said to myself... Right... i'm GOING to make it through today without having a ciggy. Then, just as i got in to bed, i would look at myself in the mirror and say... well done Stu, you managed another day. After maybe 5 or 6 weeks, i realised that i wasn't congratulating myself in the mirror any more because i'd gotten used to not smoking... That was on the 4'th march 2010 and i haven't had one since.

I'm not saying it will definitely help you because once i've made my mind up about something, you've got more chance of convincing a brick wall to get up and walk than me changing my mind... but you could start by changing the 'never smoking again' outlook to... 'not today thanks'.

Good luck with it. :)

oh ! and one other thing... find something healthy to snack on, it helps cut the hand to mouth routine down

Matt King
07-07-12, 20:43
I started experiencing panic attacks and health anxiety which convinced me that smoking was seriously damaging my health and that the shortness of breath and palpations meant i had serious heart/lung problems because of it (i didn't of course). On the other side of the coin, giving up smoking caused some serious anxiety for me.

It was a bit of a hard rock and a hard place situation, but i look at the health anxiety as a blessing now. Anyway, it can be done. Almost everybody giving up smoking experiences some anxiety/depression. Some more than others, especially those who started smoking to cope with stress or anxiety/depression in the first place.

I think all in all i've technically given up smoking about 5 times. If you relapse, you relapse. Don't get down about it, it gets easier each time you attempt it.

For me, a site called dontbreakthechain.com helped me keep track of how many days i'd gone. Every time i relapse i go through the withdrawal symptons of panic, lethargy, brain fog and most depression/anxiety symptoms. So i'm pretty put off by it by now. I really don't see the point of smoking considering how much better i feel now (even with anxiety still). I might occasionally smoke socially, which is obviously not a clever thing to do, but even the thought of being hooked to nicotine and letting it control me puts me off it so much.

Just remember, cravings do pass and eventually fade away :) All the best with it.

09-07-12, 11:24
Thanks so much for your advice, both of you. You should feel so proud of yourselves for having kicked this awful habit! I've still a long way to go, but you give me hope.