View Full Version : Headache on one side. Starting to worry :(

07-07-12, 23:32
I've been getting headaches on the left side of my head quite regularly now. It's like a throbbing headache, with some minor shooting pains. Makes my eye feel rather strange too. It's around the left side of my head around my ear going into my temple and the back of my head. I don't know what it is :(

It started when I get this "thunderclap" headache around the same side after having a panic attack, and ended up at the emergency doctors. He laughed at me and said it was nothing :(

I asked my doctor about the thunderclap headache I got and she didn't seem at all concerned either.

Since then, I get the headaches around the same area, similar to what I had before but not as bad and would not be a thunderclap one. Normally, they come on after I've been very anxious or had a panic attack. Some days, like at the moment, they just come on randomly and last HOURS!

So now I'm worrying that there's something wrong with me, like a brain tumor or something :(

07-07-12, 23:39
trust your doctor mate and try to keep busy to see of it goes away or settles down :)

07-07-12, 23:41
Yeah will do. Just hope it goes away. It's been on and off here for months!

07-07-12, 23:43
don't go to dr google please!! stay away from it!

07-07-12, 23:46
You just caught me in the act haha! I'll stop now. Such a bad idea but you know what it's like!

07-07-12, 23:57
yes it's the worst possible thing - your brain is watching u search and then thinks there must be a problem - when there isn't

08-07-12, 07:45
Im going through the exact same thing at the moment, mine started last month with a bout of double vision. Iv had all tests and its clear, if you have been to the doctor im sure its nothing to worry about. Its just all about persuading ourselves that is the case. I find a lot of my symptoms are down to the stress and worry!