View Full Version : Hi and help!

17-07-06, 15:31
I'm 25 and have had panic attacks in the past, only over the last week I've felt panicky 24/7 and I'm not sure what to do about it. I'm trying lots of methods, but it's bloody scary and I need some help. I ended up getting a doctor out to me last night, he gave me some diazapam, which helped a bit, but not in the long term.

I'm terrified that I'll feel like this forever.


17-07-06, 16:09
Hi Ren,

A big warm welcome to you. Here you will make new friends and get loads of advice. We are all here to help each other.

Take Care


17-07-06, 18:23
Hi manmoor.

I guess I should say more about myself. I'm 25 and live with my fiance. I have anxiety issues about my feelings for him. I've had social anxiety and depression for many years.


17-07-06, 18:42
Hi ren and welcome to the forum. I can understand how you feel but believe me, you won't be like it forever. there are lots of people who have anxiety and who have recovered and there are those of us who have had on and off for a while but each time i go further along my journey to recovery.

Take care

'This too will pass'

17-07-06, 18:52
Hi Ren

Welcome to the forum.

I hope you'll find it helpful being here.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

marie ross
17-07-06, 19:19
Hi Ren

Welcome, you will find a lot of help and good friends here, you are not alone.

Take care.

Marie XXX

emma chant
17-07-06, 19:29
Hi Ren ...
Welcome to nmp,your get lots advice here.
Take care.

e chant

17-07-06, 20:10
hi ren just started on diaszpan and i am panicing 24 hours perday spoke doc today he says diasapan has the t he leastsideeffects

ian brinkler

18-07-06, 06:51
Hi Ren and welcome to NMP

Take care



18-07-06, 12:44

Welcome to the forum. You will find lots of help and support here.

x x

polly daydream
18-07-06, 16:53
Hi Ren and welcome to the forum.


18-07-06, 21:09
Welcome to the forum Ren
love Helen

18-07-06, 21:29
Hi Ren :)

My name is Isabelle and I too have suffered from social anxiety and depresion for many years, well since around the age of 7 and I am now 30.

This site will be very useful to you and there are some lovely people on here to.

I have had lots of talking therapy which hs greatly helped me and now I am doing 8 sessions of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which I must admit is proving to work for me.

Welcome to the site and if you would like to chat you can pm me.

Love Isabelle xxx

18-07-06, 21:53
Hi Ren

Read all you can on the website - www.nomorepanic.co.uk

It will really help.

Welcome aboard.


18-07-06, 22:30
hi ren and a big welcome i just want to say that having panic attacks are the most frightening thing for anyone to experience i have suffered with them for over thirteen years only today i was on a course at work when suddenly the panic attack came over me well that was it i thought here goes im about to make a show of myself here by gettin up and running out the door well guess wot i didnt i sat there and let it happen its not a pleasent feelin and you do get frightened by them but do u no wot hun it wont harm you in anyway.have you tried breathing in a brown paper bag. i laugh at that everytime i say it cos a friend of mine was havin a full blown attack when she asked me did i have a brown paper bag i gave her a white sayas bag she screamed at me and said its got to be brown wots the difference i said and she replied i dont no i just no its got to be brown well we both burst out laughin and the best of it was she soon come out of the panic attack well hun im goin on abit so ill say keep your chin up and youve come to the best sight i love it here and you will to so take care luv tamla

t motown