View Full Version : Dizziness

08-07-12, 03:49
Hi this is my first post. So, I've had Panic Attacks and Anxiety for 2 years now. Sometimes it doesn't bother me at all. But since February I've really bad episodes and I can't seem to shake it. I've gotten off my meds and it has seemed to help actually. I feel like I have the panics under wrap, but I have this constant dizziness everyday. It's not like I'm having a panic attack or anything, I'm just dizzy and heavy headed all day. I haven't been able to figure out why. I'm tired of going to the doctor just to tell me there is nothing wrong. So, anyone have any advice for me? Thank you!

08-07-12, 06:31
Do you consume caffeinated drinks, cola, coffee, tea etc? Are you dehydrated, perhaps not enough water? Too much glucose can cause dizziness. I used to drink a lot of Lucozade and I had terrible dizziness, the Insulin in my body could not regulate the glucose levels.

08-07-12, 10:13
Dizziness is a hugely common symptom of anxiety. There are various causes and usually more than one happening at once! One cause of dizziness is the changing of your blood pressure thru the release of adrenalin. Once released, adrenalin causes your blood pressure to rise as your heart rate increases, fluids are retained in the blood to increase volume and the blood vessels constrict. When you think about it, the intensity of this onslaught, everything working harder, faster and in a more pressurised environment, is bound to have some physical effects.

Secondly, and this sounds weird, I found that my dizziness wasn't actual loss of balance, just a change in visual perception. Adrenalin makes your pupils dilate, allowing more light in so you're sight is more sensitive to slight movements etc etc. the old flight or fight story. Anyway, for me, this weird change to my sight made me feel horrendous, everything seemed so peculiar and 'spaced out' because of this change to my sight.

Thirdly!!! Your ears are very, very sensitive to stress and it's effects. So, more adrenaline in your blood stream, higher blood pressure blah blah. Tonic tensor tympani syndrome is not known that commonly but it is a bona fide condition associated with stress; it makes so much sense when you look into it. When my anxiety first started I had scans and tests galore on my brain due to my chronic dizziness... Turns out all the above were the problem.

Take a look at this link for more info on tonic tensor tympani syndrome :)


---------- Post added at 10:13 ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 ----------

Silly moo, forgot the link!!!



08-07-12, 22:42
Hi. If you are experiencing regular dizzy spells then I would recommend that you speak to your GP again because it sounds as if you are still experiencing panic attacks and may need to try out a different medication that may be more suitable for you.

I have been suffering from panic attacks on and off for 9 years now. I was recently diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder and depression. Over the years I have tried every trick in the book to try and combat the panic attacks but lately I have found the best treatment to be 30-40mg of Citalopram. Last year I was suffering from extreme dizzy spells, light headed feelings, feelings of imbalance, chest pain and even numbness and tingling sensations down the whole right hand side of my body. I was convinced I was having mini-strokes or epileptic seizures and went for numerous scans and tests at the hospital. A number of doctors couldn't find anything wrong with me and one doctor (horrible man) told me it was all in my head which didn't help at all!!!!

Around Christmas time I started to feel like I was losing my mind and things spiraled out of control. I subsequently had a bit of a nervous breakdown and was taken to hospital. After a number of sessions with various GP's they decided it was Generalised Anxiety, Panic and Depression. As soon as they put me on Citalopram I noticed a HUGE difference and felt significantly better after only a few days on 20mg. I was feeling better but the stresses of day to day life were still getting on top of me a few weeks later and I was feeling a bit anxious again so they upped my dose to 30mg and I started feeling like my old self again. I am now on 40mg and I'm hardly ever feeling anxious or panicky. I have also done the following which seems to have made a MASSIVE difference - I would highly recommend trying this out:

Cut out Caffeine from your diet COMPLETELY (I now only drink Camomile or Peppermint tea and avoid Coca Cola and chocolate)

Go to sleep earlier (before bed take a bath, watch some comedy, read a book to help you go to bed in a good relaxed mood)

Take more exercise (difficult when you're tired or busy but really helps)

Avoid foodstuffs with a high sugar content e.g. sweets, puddings, pastries

Eat more chickpeas (hummous is great as chickpeas have a natural endorphin releasing capability)!

Stay hydrated, get plenty of fresh air (particularly when feeling anxious)

Also try to avoid frustrating, upsetting or confrontational situations e.g. arguments with partners/family....if at all possible!

Since doing the above and taking the Citalopram the dizzyness, chest pain etc has completely disappeared. I'm feeling much more healthy, relaxed and on top of things. If Citalopram doesn't suit you then try something else. Everyone's bodies are different so what works for me might not work for someone else....it's just a case of trial and error I'm afraid!

I hope this helps. It will get better, I promise!

Good luck.
