View Full Version : Constant feeling of panic

17-07-06, 15:54
I've had panic attacks in the past, the worst of them occuring 3-4 times a day. In the past week I've been feeling a constant sense of anxiety. I'm really scared by it, I've had depression and anxiety most of my life, but nothing like this, I can't find a cause for my panic, just a 24hr feeling of termoil and adgetation.

Does anyone else have this? I just need to know I'm not alone and that I can cope with it, at the moment I'm terrified.


17-07-06, 16:44
i'm exactly the same. A constant feeling like I'm about to have a leg off or sit a driving test but no reason for it. It does get wearing. I find that it lessens if I am busy so I try to go to work even though I am on short hours but it's a constant battle. Perhaps you need to see your doctor about going on some medication for a little while to treat this generalized anxiety, it can help.
let me know how you are getting on.:D


17-07-06, 16:47
Hi ren, I had this for about three days, no let up at all. Then it calmed down a bit then wham started up again. i went on citalopram in the end as it was making feel very low and i was starting to get depressed. Hope it passes soon hunny

Take care

'This too will pass'

17-07-06, 17:41
hi ren i too get the constant anxiety and its like a car with no brakes you can stop it once it starts!!! i find distraction works i was anxious all day yesterday and last night i went on the chatroom on this site for a couple of hours and when i logged off i realised i felt fine went to bed and slept like a log!!! hope this helps and let us know how you are doing kaz ps kalms pills that you get from the chemist are good too all herbal and very calming!!!

17-07-06, 18:18
Hi all,

Thanks for the great replies. I feel a bit better just for knowing I'm not alone! I've been to my GP tonight (after having an emergency doctor last night because I felt so bad!) and he's given me some diazapam until I see my shrink on friday. I do feel a bit better tonight, trying to distract myself with the internet and tv, but it doesn't quite stop it from slipping through!

I just hope that there's something I can take or do to feel better.


17-07-06, 18:28
Ren, my doctor gave me diazepam to start with but be careful as it made me really spaced out and sleepy. I would suggest taking half to start with until you get a bit used to it. I only use it for emergencies as it is addictive.

take care
