View Full Version : New worry (apologies for TMI)

08-07-12, 12:05
Ok so I've finally started to be able to think more rationally about my Rabies fear, thanks to the prozac kicking in, so now I have another worry to contend with.

My son had a tummy bug last week and was quite poorly, it wasn't like he had the classic vomitting and diarrohea but he just kept in and out the toilet and had loose motions, then he had a couple of days with headache, high temperature and tummy cramps but thankfully he's now ok.

So Friday night I started to get the feeling I was needing to go to the loo but nothing happened. It continued into yesterday with a few cramps but again BM fairly normal just the urge to go more often.

This morning I wake at 7.00am with severe cramps, feeling sick, pouring with sweat and generally feeling awful, so I go to the toilet, motions a bit watery but I wouldn't say actual diarrohea but just the fact that I feel like I constantly need to be on the loo and feel like I'm going to pass out I'm sweating so much.

This goes on for a couple of hours and I then start to notice some bright red blood in the toilet and mucus. Now I have piles but they haven't played up in years.

So I eventually manage to leave the bathroom, bout 30 minutes later have to run back and this time when I pass what I think is a BM it is nothing but bright red blood and mucus, not loads of it, but noticeble in the pan.

So now I'm going into meltdown with this over colon cancer.

I've called the emeregency doc who isn't concerned and said he just thinks the constant straining has caused my piles to start up and he said it should be a faily short lived episode but obviously to go to GP if it continues beyond a few days.

Thing is my mind is saying my son had a stomach bug, I feel fairly rough and have probably picked it up and it's probably aggravated my piles, but my anxiety is starting to increase and I'm thinking "what if it's not that", the fact that I've not had what I'd call proper diarrohea just loose motions and the feeling of needing to keep going is concerning me and also the fact that I've never had blood before when I've had stomach bugs.

Can anyone talk some sense into me please I really want to get a grip on this and I'm thinking the doc isn't concerned, but then I start thinking what if it doesn't settle after a couple of days.

God I hate HA any normal person would just accept what the doctor said and proabably wouldn't give it a second thought!

08-07-12, 12:22
Hi Munchlet, it does sound like you have picked a bug up like your son, but health anxiety has blown it out of proprtion for you! That's the lovely health anxiety for us unfortunately!! I had a period of about 14 months of bright red blood in the pan including all the symptoms you suggest. I feared the worst - colon cancer - finally dragged myself to the gp who diagnosed piles and was treated accordingly. I went for a sigmoidoscopy and had the piles banded and have since had no further problems except the odd flare up and now wished I had got the problem sorted a lot sooner. My gp told me that colon cancer does not present symptoms of bright red blood, so get that thought right out of your head straight away. You spent 30 mins on the loo straining and I'm not being funny, but but if you already have had piles before, then you are obviously experiencing a flare up. Take some ibuprofen if it is sore, or in case you may need the loo again, it wont be as painful. I know it's hard to think rationally when you have wound yourself up with fear and worry, but try and get yourself together. If your still worried tomorrow, go and see your gp for reassurance. You have already had reassurance over the telephone, so try to calm yourself. You will be ok. And NO googling!! Hope u feel better soon. XX

08-07-12, 18:36
ive had mucus and blood. my gp says that the muscus is caused by the piles. most defo. xxxxxxx i have bad ha too. its awful xxxx

09-07-12, 08:13
Thank you guys, I feel a bit better today, been to toilet twice this morning and so far no blood or mucus, it's by no means normal but in some ways I'm finding this reassuring as it does appear to be stomach bug symptoms.

The doctor said it should ease within 24-48hours and I've started using suppositories which will hopefully ease the problems.

I know I have piles but it's just so scary when they flare up, especially since I haven't had an episode for a few years.

thanks for the input xx