View Full Version : Can people relate to my symptoms and understand???

08-07-12, 12:11
Hi Guys,

I'm interested in your thoughts...looks like i have suffered Anxiety now for a couple of years but my Anxiety is having a symptom and worrying about it constantly and thinking i have a serious illness.

What kind of Anxiety is this??

Also can any of you relate to when you relax you feel worse, when i try to relax because i never really do i find i like get withdrawal symptoms...start to tremble, shake and feel like crap.

Also again im getting new and different symptoms like hot flushes where i all of a sudden get really hot and sweaty.. also lower back pain feelings like i have a kidney problem, urinating all the time one minute and fine the next.

Ive been to the doctor because i was signed of work for anxiety and stress and he says all this is linked to anxiety and stress.

All your replies would be much appreciated to see if their are people that experience the same as me???


Sam :)

08-07-12, 12:47
Are you helping yourself with meds? I have the same feelings sometimes, i meditate a lot , and i take magnesium pills. Remember anxiety is a feeling which feeds on fear , the more you think about the more it gets intense, and sports also helps. Remember also , you are not alone
Good luck

08-07-12, 13:24
Hi Dabrucru,

Thank you for your reply:)

Yeah i am on Beta Blockers and Anti Depressants. I wish i knew why i have Anxiety and how it started to make me understand it and it go away.

I know i am not alone but i feel i am sometimes...well a lot of the time. I don't like to confide in friends and family as i feel i am an idiot and putting people on a downer:(



08-07-12, 14:05
Hi Sammie,

This is health anxiety, it comes as part of the package pretty much - you are definitely not alone. When I was at my worst, I had kidney stones (nothing dangerous or harmful, they were that small I passed them myself - sorry if that's too much info!) but I was convinced it was cancer and that I would die.

At the time it is so horrible and so real, it is hard to feel reassured. I am sure the tablets are helping you, but they will just be a temporary fix: ideally what you need to do is find what the route cause of your anxiety is through counselling, that way you an squash it for good!

Take care,

Danny x

08-07-12, 14:43
Hi Danny,

Thanks for your reply:)

I feel counseling may help but this is expensive isn't it?


Sam x

08-07-12, 15:45
I would go to your GP and discuss your concerns with him/her.
You can ask to be referred to the Community Mental Health Team in your area, for Cognitive behavioural therapy(CBT), the service is provided by the NHS.

08-07-12, 16:40
Hi Sammie

you said "I wish i knew why i have Anxiety and how it started"

do you not remember any triggers, at all? a stressful period in life? have you always been worry-prone?

wondering why you have anxiety is the exact thing that keeps it going.

When we actively ruminate on thoughts such as "why do i have anxiety" "what is wrong with me", this information is fed in to your 'limbic system', which i'm sure you have heard of.

it speaks in the language of emotion, not words, so it goes off what you FEEL, not instructions. so for example, if you SAY in your head "i'm sure i will be ok" but you dont really believe that and feel fear, then ur limbic system just picks up on the fear and activates the fight-flight response to try and help you combat your 'problem'

so the more you fearfully think "why do i have anxiety" ur sending red-flags to your limbic system. catch 22!!

You need to learn lots about the panic/anxiety cycle, then PUT IT INTO ACTION which takes time and PRACTICE.

I strongly recommend CBT4PANIC - see the link in my signature - its a 30 day free trial (so nothing to lose) also it doesn't have the long NHS waiting lists, u also get email support off the author Robin, who is a CBT therapist who had panic/agoraphobia himself, and he is great.

It's also recommended by lots of other forum members as you will see on the link


09-07-12, 22:02
Hi Sammie,

Counselling can be completely free and still totally above board and professional. Sometimes your GP can direct you to a counsellor who isn't strictly NHS but is recommended by the NHS - the lady I went to see was part of a volunteer Christian organisation. I am not a Christian and it wasn't 'preachy' at all, everyone who volunteered there was qualified and it really really helped me. No NHS waiting times, no limit on the number of sessions you have and my counselling was person specific which means it was more about finding the route cause of my anxiety and dealing with that rather than the re-programming the brain part like with CBT.

I hope that helps!

Good luck with it all,

Danny x