View Full Version : Hi - Newbie with bad anxiety

17-07-06, 16:09
Hi I'm new here & posting because I'm at my wits end with this anxiety business! It's taking over my whole life & I can't cope anymore. I don't even feel like my normal self, & I'm finding it hard to work out what's real in my head & what's anxiety.

Ever since I started in the Sixth Form I experienced mild depression & had counselling (at Sixth Form) to cope with the stress of it all. I also had a difficult time growing up as I had many family problems at home. My depression got worse at University, but in my final year I developed anxiety. This for me was much worse as I did not know how to cope with it. I suffer from GAD so my anxiety goes through stages of worrying about different things. At one point it developed into health anxiety & I cried every night thinking I was going to die in my sleep. During this time I suffered from panic attacks & visited the doctor a couple of times (emergency appointments!) only to be told that I was absolutely fine!

I am now over that & am now fixating on my relationship. My bf is wonderful & we have a very good relationship (so please don't question it!), but my anxiety is attaching itself to my insecurities & distorting my thoughts over us. It's killing me because I've found my soulmate, but now my anxiety threatens to ruin everything. I'll post more about that in the anxiety section.

While in my third year I again had counselling at Uni & it did help, but now I've left I feel all alone. I've done lots of research & know about the different coping techniques, but I just need some support & comfort on here. I need people to reassure me that it's all in my head & to give me a reality check!! It's funny how I know it's all in my head, but it just helps having someone else tell me that! I also use Rescue Remedy & Kalms when I'm feeling bad. I'm thinking of buying an anxiety self-help book as I feel I need more help with this.

It's so nice to find a forum exclusively for people who suffer from anxiety & who understand!

xxx Rosebud xxx

17-07-06, 16:12
Hi Rosebud,

A big warm welcome to you. Your not alone and everyone here will help you all we can.

Take Care


17-07-06, 16:13
I have relationship Anxiety, and its horrible and has nearly ruined my relationship several times!!! Everyone on here is brilliant and have been so helpfull giving me support and advice, im sure you will feel the same.

"Why does life turn you upside down and inside out then back round again"

17-07-06, 16:34
Hi Rosebud and welcome to the forum. Claire Weeks book, slef help for the nerves is very good. There's also lots of help and support here.

Take care

'This too will pass'

17-07-06, 18:21
I'm new here too and have anxiety issues over my relationship. I keep questioning whether I love my boyfriend and everytime I ask myself the question (when he's just said "I love you" and I go "love you too") I can't get past the anxiety. I think I do love him, but the anxiety is so bad when I even try and work it out that I just don't know. I don't know how I'm going to get over this.


17-07-06, 18:54
Hi Rosebud

Welcome to the forum.

You'll find a lot of help and support here.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

marie ross
17-07-06, 19:18
Hi Rosebud

Welcome, you will find a lot of help and good friends here, you are not alone with your feelings.

Take care.

Marie XXX

18-07-06, 06:53
Hi Rosebud and welcome to NMP

Take care



18-07-06, 12:43

Welcome to the forum. You will find lots of help and support here.

x x

18-07-06, 14:43
hi rosebud

if you are thinking of buying a book to explain all this then the claire weekes books self help for yuor nerves and essential help for your nerves is one to not pass

would love to know how you got over your health anxiety as it is destroying me

glad you found you are not alone


18-07-06, 15:53
Welcome aboard Rosebud,

I am sure that joining this forum will help you understand anxiety more, and that should ease the tension. As will a good self-help book, such as the Claire Weekes one others have mentioned.

Take Care now,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

18-07-06, 15:54
It's all in your head, rosebud :P

No seriously, you aren't alone... you are obviously just beginning to realise how powerful an organ the brain is, and how it really can have a profound effect on your physical well being (quite apart from your mental wellbeing!)...

Don't despair, love... just keep chatting with poeple here... you're bound to make some close friends online, and believe me - a friend who understands, supports and encourages is worth a thousand books! (not to diminish books, but you get the idea)

Also (in my oppinion) after suffering on and off since my early twenties (now 38), I can promise you that reading more and more about various conditions is only going to make you worse, not better... It's very difficult to avoid scaring yourself by reading too much... If you do want to read books, then I would strongly advise sticking to books about recovery and positive action (like Claire Weeks book) - and avoid the psychology and medical books!

Love and light :) S

To truly see existence as it really is, would be the greatest gift!

polly daydream
18-07-06, 16:57
Hi Rosebud and welcome to the forum.


18-07-06, 20:23
Wow guys! Can I just say thanks SO much for all the lovely messages of support!! It's amazing to think that there's people out there who understand & care.Thank you so, so much. I can't believe how many of you replied! I took some time out yesterday to meditate/relax & it REALLY helped me! I forgot how powerful it was & really should have kept it up.

Thanks again, hope you are all hanging on in there.

xxx Rosebud xxx

18-07-06, 21:06
Hi Rosebud and welcome to the forum
love Helen

18-07-06, 21:56

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.


19-07-06, 08:19
Hello Rosebud,
welcome, you are not alone. All of here seem to be having the same problems. I hope you are doing better!