View Full Version : My cry for help :-(

08-07-12, 18:50
Iv had the worst last few days :-( Headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness and panic and breathing attacks :-( I went for a walk today to try n relieve sum stress which ended in me feeling like I was going to faint. I had my meds upped from 20mg citalopram to 30mg about aweek ago n so far it's doing nothing :-( Im also on 40 mg of propranolol. I suffer with optical migraines where I go blind and have confusion and numbness and I honestly feel like I'm going through one thing after another. Im living in hell at the minute. Im in this cycle n no matter wot I do I cant get through it. Iv had anxciety for nearly 6 years. I'm 26 years old and dont think I'll ever be free from this hell. Im married with 2 kids, have my own home, car and money. I have a happy life and just dont understand why I go through this. I'm at the end of my tether as I no in time I will feel better but it's waiting for the next episode :-( Sat here writing this I'm going dizzy and funny headed :-( God someone please help!

08-07-12, 19:59
Your not alone in this, I feel totally the same at the minute but I do know that the symptoms you/I feel are due to the anxiety, it is very tough but like you said, you will get better! Have you tried CBT? I'm starting next week and it's supossed to be great for us HA sufferers! Also do you have meds? Please keep in mind that all of us on here are going through the same thing, you are not alone in this :hugs:

18-07-12, 04:20
Hey Sammie.
Hope your feeling better? This rollercoaster of hell is just so hard to deal with. I don't know what the answers are except for that you are not alone with your suffering.....it's such a curse and if it wasn't for support groups such as this one, we would most certainly tip over the edge somedays.
Try to wake every morning and say what you are grateful for (even if it doesn't feel like it) It can help with changing your perception.

Can i ask how often your migraines are and when they started? I get them frequently and they started last year at age 33......They are probably the WORST thing i have experienced. They leave me feeling like i have no control and hopeless. The auras are so scary, i too get numbness and slight confusion with the partial blindness!

Kel x

18-07-12, 09:45
Hiya kel thanks for the reply. I started getting migraines wen I was pregnant with my first age 19. Im now 26 and still have them. I start with a blind spot that them completely covers my vision like zigzags. Then I get pins and needles and numbness in my hands, arms and face :-( Then I feel confused and can't talk properly. My hearing goes really sensitive and then I'm left feeling totally drained n ill. R u on meds for them? Before I was on meds I could get them twice aweek but since being on a beta blocker I get them about 4 times a year xxx

18-07-12, 13:22
hi there you mentioned you have happy life im married 2 kids nice house car but its times like this when you dont have big drama or change that your body focuses on something else ive always had distraction like moving or having baby now its calmed down my focus is on my health and bad anxiety. im on sertraline tablets for 3 wks havent made much change but takes a while, cbt therapy is meant to be good too but also was told when you get all panicky try pinging elsatic band against wrist the pain from it takes your mind off other things. also maybe a new hobby swimming going for walks all helps. you said you felt like fainting when you went walk i feel this too as im so worked up i worry about being out and fainting what happens to my kids if i faint but you have to see it is a good thing if you faint when out you have more help around you than at home, also you havent fainted yet so likelihood is you wont thats what i tell myself its hard but try find things to take your mind off. good luck x

18-07-12, 15:13
Thanks for the lovely reply :-) I was sertraline but I found it didn't really help... I went on Prozac which was great. I felt that great I took myself off them but relapsed 6 months later and I ended up on citalopram. Iv just had my dose upped to 30 mg and I'm on 40mg propranolol. Im feeling a tad better :-)