View Full Version : My cancer fear is destroying me!

09-07-12, 01:33
Please help! I know I have a very severe case of health anxiety and I dont know how to control it. It seems like I am fine during the day but come evening it hits me full force. I have honastly have every test ct scan, mamogram, breast ultrasound, pelvic ultrasound, numerous blood tests, chest x ray, leg x ray ummm it keeps going and going the only thing I havent had has been a colonoscopy and an mri, I think. I am 34 years old all my tests came out fine, they cant find one thing remotly to point them in the direction of cancer and that is my fear. I am so scared I have some kind of cancer, I just worry that they havent found it yet though I dont know what other tests to ask for. And if I feel I cant find anything on myself that could be cancer then I rush my kids to the hospital to get checked for lekima or lymphoma cause my daughter has slightly larger lymph nodes on the back of her ears and for my son he gets nosebleeds ofter so I am so worried something is going to be seriously wrong with them. They are very active kids so I know I shouldnt worry and the doctors did blood tests on them and x rays to make me feel better and everything came back good but I still think somethings wrong with them. Then I worry about my husband cause he works doing concrete so hes out in the sun all day so I worry hes got skin cancer. I cant get this out of my head. It all started when my baby died in January to a cord accident and I have been feeling like I have been losing my mind ever since. I am so sososososososos scared of someone in my family getting cancer that I can hardly breethe. Please any advice will be great.

09-07-12, 21:55
A concern of Cancer is probably one of the most feared things for us health anxiety sufferers thats for sure.

It's good to be aware of cancer and try our best to minimize it with our lifestyles but the obsessing about it is a big problem. It's very hard when we are caught up in a bout of anxiety to stop worrying but whatever it takes to break the cycle of worry must be done to have any sort of nice life.

I'm sorry to hear about your baby and hope you are able to get some sort of councilling to help with your loss?


10-07-12, 16:17
What you have described sounds just like me. I am 36 and have also had mammograms, pelvic and abdominal ultrasounds, ct scan, MRI, gastroscope, colonoscopy, a camera that looks in your bladder, you name it, I've had it. I am so anxious about cancer. It eats away at me everyday. I don't really worry about my heart etc, mostly just cancer. I know exactly how you feel. Have you talked it through with your GP? Are you on meds? You can private message me if you would like... Louisexxx

10-07-12, 21:33
I can imagine that this fear of cancer has got worse as you have got older as you are more aware of the diseases we can get as we age. Plus the over exposure of cancer on radio,tv and the internet. I too have health anxiety over that the fact that i might have some cancer or the other. I am currently attending cbt which help with understanding that you can change your thoughts and behaviours in relation to thinking you have cancer. If you look at every symptom of cancer theres so many other diseases it could be. I suffer from this too but realise that that I'm wasting my life worrying about something i might not have. If by chance you do get something bad theres every chance that they can catch it early but i suggest asking the doctor for one to one cognitive behavioural therapy to get you started. And another good thing is trying not to read any newspaper article on cancer. Turn the page or don't read it. you will feel much better :)