View Full Version : Quick please please help!!!!

09-07-12, 07:38
Please help me i'm so scared my suicidal thoughts are really strong, I can't take anymore i've never felt like this before and i've had HA for 11 yrs! I went to a&e about these feelings and i saw an on call phsyciatrist, she said that she doesn't think I need sectioning and I don't want this but I am honestly really scaring myself with these feelings as I really don't feel like myself and i'm afraid that i'd actually do something! I have the crisis team coming at 12 today, they came yesterday and will come daily for a few weeks but they know i've bee n having these feelings but they dont seem too worried! God what do I do? Please please help i'm sitting here right now freling this and i need your help!!!

09-07-12, 09:39
Alls I can say is please be strong. Remember we have to fight this. All of us.Fight the thoughts. Are you on medication? X

09-07-12, 09:43
Just hold on in there and make sure you tell them everything, your life is very important!!!!!!!!!

09-07-12, 10:10
So sorry that you are having a tough time. Things will get better. Try to relax and let the feelings wash over you, don't fight the anxiety. I hope you feel better soon.

09-07-12, 10:22
I'm on effexor wich was increased to double (150mg) 3 weeks ago I have diazepam 2mg that i can take 3 times a day but it doesn't do anything, i was told yesterday by the crisis team that i can take an extra one if its really bad but im scared of how it will make feel or if it doesn't do anything at all, I'm so alone I don't have anyone that I can call, im so desperate for help but there's nobody! And my gp wont help, the crisis team just listen to what i say then go! I feel like im losing it, i can't cope with my children while im like this so it seems there's no way out, I can't take anymore i've had enough!

09-07-12, 10:49

Have you read the links in my signature?

It is important to remember how the anxiety mechanism works.

If you're thinking a thought, your emotional reaction to that thought will be observed by the limbic system. If you attach high importance to a thought, i.e "I am suicidal, I can't take it anymore" not only will the fight/flight response be activated, but your brain will consider this an IMPORTANT issue that needs solving - so it will bring related thoughts from memory to try and help you solve the "issue" - its all just trying to help!!

But because of the simple content of the thoughts, you misinterpret this as something very wrong and it scares you to death!

Its the same principle as getting a song stuck in your head believe it or not - if you really wished the song away, and were terrified of getting it stuck there, itd go round and round all day because you place high importance and concentration on it

You're too busy desperately trying to SOLVE something that doesn't need solving - it just needs gradual distraction and understanding

but i promise i know how scary and unreal it seems to believe it is JUST that

but anxiety can be extremely powerful - its designed to be, it has to be strong to protect - if it wasn't then half the human race wouldnt be here. Infact people with strong fight/flight mechanisms are favoured by evolution!!

But sometimes in the modern world it can go a little haywire if you dont have to correct understanding.

You will be absolutely fine and come out stronger for this!! Please read the links and also CBT4Panic :)

09-07-12, 11:14
I feel every word you say!! You need the right help and you need it now!!!
Stay strong xxxx

09-07-12, 20:53
Thank you all for your support, I have gone to my mum's for a few days and my sis will be comimg over too. They are going to help with the kids which is a great help. Tomorow the crisis team and a pdoc are coming they're going to look at what else they can do meds wise hopefully I will get some releif at last! I'm supposed to start Remaron tonight but I'm terrified! My mum says its ok she's here and no need to be frightened, but I will be in such a panic if I wake up with bad side effects in the morning :'( Has anyone tried it before or know anyone that has? X

09-07-12, 21:33
I'm sorry I don't have any experience of that medication, but I hope you find something that works for you. You just need to try to hold on to the fact that this WON'T last forver and you WILL feel better in the future. Anxiety mounts and mounts and it seems like it will never end, but it will. At the moment you just need to find some immediate relief, before you are in a place where you can work on some more long term strategies.I am glad you have some help looking after your children. There is nothing harder than trying to cope with being a mum when you feel so bad. I hope you feel better soon and that the crisis team can offer some short term solutions.

09-07-12, 21:49
Hi there,

You're going to be ok. Listen to your mum and don't be frightened - you know she'll look after you. Antidepressants, including Venlafaxine (Effexor), can increase suicidal thoughts, especially when you first start taking them, so this is probably not helping at the moment. Listen to what the mental health team say and make sure you follow their advice.

I don't know much about Mirtazapine (Remeron) but there are lots of people here who take it. You could search under Mirtazapine or start a new thread asking for advice.

Take care

Pip xxx