View Full Version : New to Forum Need some Advice Urgently Please

09-07-12, 08:36
Hi I am new to this Forum, and Anxiety I guess. I am 20, and have been suffering with what I believe to be general anxiety disorder, and health anxiety for about 6 weeks now. I have been incredibly stressed over the past 6 months, and suffered a panic attack which started in the morning at work one day after feeling like my breathing was restricted. I had an ambulance called out who confirmed it was a panic attack - I felt like I was having a heart attack however, and thought I was going to die!

Since then I have 'heart palpitations', and feelings that my heart 'skips' a beat. I panicked about this a lot, as it started the day before I was due to go on Holiday. I spent the whole holiday thinking about it, and anytime we left the hotel I felt faint, restricted breathing, like I was going to pass out, and sick.

Since coming back, I experience blurry/distorted vision, especially in the morning when going to work. Things far away seem distorted. I feel a bit unbalanced, and get dizzy especially when standing or sitting up quickly. This is something which I used to get, and presumed it was as I was growing as a teen, but never this bad.

I had a feeling in the back of my throat sometimes as if something is pulling, and it feels like I can feel it along the back of my head in my brain. I also had a headache for 3 days straight, and it felt like I could feel my heart beat in the back of my head. My heart often races when I worry. I constantly fear I am going blind, and have a brain tumour. Sometimes I see 'floaters' in my eye when looking at a pale background if I concentrate on it. I feel sick very often, normally with the distorted vision.

Does anyone else have these symptoms, or should I be worried that it's something serious? I saw a doctor who said it's probably anxiety, but I'm still paranoid as hell that I have some brain tumour, blood clot, circulation problem or something. I often get really big veins, some that are painful, and get little spasms all over my body that feels like a vein, but could be muscle.

I get heart racing
I spent my whole holiday thinking I had a major heart problem, until being taken to hospital by ambulance with panick attack, had ECG, and confirmed ok - they too (spain) suggested anxiety,
Distorted vision with nausea
Pains in head and throat
Breathing feels somethered or restricted sometimes
I easily get pins and needles from resting my arm or leg on something (this is what makes me feel I have poor circulation) - this started over past few weeks
I stepped off a kerb the other day, and suddenly felt as if my heart was beating really fast, and as if there was a pressure on my heart.
Someone knocked on the door the other day- this startled me, and I could literally feel a loud knocking (my pulse) on the back of my head, and in my right ear.

I am teriffied I have some major illness, and need some reassurance, or if these symptoms aren't regular anxiety symptoms then I guess I need to get to the ER! Would very much appreciate it.

09-07-12, 08:51
Hi worrier, have a look at the articles on this website - health anxiey and symmpttoms bits. I found them helpful to put things into perspective. It might be a good idea to see your GP and discuss how concerned you are and that it really seems that your worry is taking up a lot of your day. Let us know how yu get on.:)

09-07-12, 08:51
Hi Worrier12

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-07-12, 08:55
Thanks, I spoke to my GP last week who said he was going to send me for any tests as it would be a waste of time as he feels these is just anxiety. He offered me prozac (not sure anyone's view on this?) but recommended I try counselling first as prozac isn't a good route to go down for someone my age (20). I am still however teriffied that I have some major ilness and I always seem to find new symptoms (as I get new symptoms other ones dissapear). I was worried about my heart, then lungs, now I am so scared I have a brain tumour!. I believe this anxiety was brought on my major stress due to financial and relationship strains. I will try posting on the health anxiety forum, and have a nose around.