View Full Version : Want to give up already.

09-07-12, 14:50
I previously took Citalopram about 12years ago for a couple of years, it was the med that helped me get better then, I came off it independantly.
I suffered no side affects at all either when I was starting or stopping.

Last year it started again getting worse and worse until I finally had to go to the Docs again, I started 3 days ago and this time no such luck, last night I was up having terrible intrusive thoughts which then developed into a full blown panic attack which is still simmering as I write this, to the extent that I feel like coming off them at once, the panic attacks are not the bad thing just the terrible thoughts I had, this does not seem to be listed as a potential side affect so its maybe a sympton of the panic.

Any advice would be appreciated.

09-07-12, 15:52

Please try not to be too concerned. 12 years is a long time and your body and environment may have undergone many subtle and under-lying changes.

For me, I struggle with every time I go on to a new medication or change dosage, and the side effects can be severe, including the ones you have described above.

My advice to you is to try and accept that it will be a bit hard for a short period before things get better. Accept that the medication is causing this so you have no real need to fear for yourself or your well-being.

Finally, I would really advise trying to meditate for 20 minutes, preferably twice a day. There are some good iphone/android apps to guide you through this now, and I cannot say enough about the positive effect it had on me personally.

I hope this helps, please hang in there, it will get better.

And by the way, I suffer terribly with intrusive thoughts and they go hand in hand with a lot of anxiety etc. related disorders, so I'm informed by my psych.
