View Full Version : Terrified of MS

09-07-12, 16:27

Im fairly new to this site, and have found it of great comfort in the last few weeks.

Basically, i have started to wake up with numb hands (the little finger side, firstly just one hand then both). So i went to the GP. She basically said i might have MS. Did no blood tests, asked no other real questions apart from how many pillows i slept with. On hearing that my auntie had MS, she sprung to that conclusion. Obviously this made my anxiety go into overdrive, ive never felt anxiety like it in my life, and im a naturally anxious person anyway.

The numbness spread to my entire legs, just in the morning really, over the coming days. Would MS proceed that quickly? Or could this just be a result of the anxiety from the GP?

I then went to see another GP. Who looked properly horrified about what happened with GP number one. He did blood tests. Which were clear. So being referred to a neurologist.

Google is definately not my friend. But i cant help but search for potential things it could be. And MS is always towards the top of the search results.

I dont have any other symptoms of MS really. My coordination is good. Im not fatigued, in fact im sleeping less, maybe cause im so worried.

Id appreciate any input on this subject.


09-07-12, 18:53
I would say it could be something like carpal tunnel syndrome which I have and/or a problem with your back and/or neck which I have too and both of these cause me to have numb hands and arms and now my calf hurts too when I get up.

I have no problems with the numbness in the day only at night

Mr Brownstone
09-07-12, 21:19
What a ridiculous thing for the GP to say. I can relate to what you say though (well kind of)...without boring you with the details, my doc said for it to be MS, I would normally find that I was getting pins and needles all the time, and that my hands/arms would be showing signs of weakness. Neither of which were happening to me, so she said im fine.

09-07-12, 21:37

Im sort of pretty certain it isnt MS, after reading different stuff on here.

Is it worth going for the neurologist thing tho? Im not sure what i should do.


Mr Brownstone
09-07-12, 22:03
Yeah...why not?Put your mind at rest.