View Full Version : BEEN MADE REDUNDANT!!!

17-07-06, 17:35
went into work this morning to a letter on my desk saying i was redundant with immediate effect owing to cashflow problems!!! i am now having a dreadful panic!!! dident like the job much but need the money to live!!! no confidence to look for a new job not with panic the way it is and i was just getting over it as well!!!

had appt with my psychiatrist this afternoon and he is sending me for a top up course of cbt(had cbt about 3 yrs ago and it was brill)
really dreading the next few days/weeks/months stuck home alone with my mates panic and anxiety for company!!! any suggestions on how to cope??? luv kaz x

17-07-06, 18:14
Oh Kaz,

What awful news to be greeted with first thing on a Monday morning. I hope you find another job soon hun.

Thinking of you


17-07-06, 18:37
Oh Kazzie how awful for you. I would first just take some time out to recover from the shock, try and relax a bit, then start looking at possibilties for jobs, think about what you would really like to do, maybe use the time to dream some dreams and look at options for the future, a positive thing rather than negative. Hope you find what you need soon thinking of you

Take care

'This too will pass'

Will Loynes
17-07-06, 18:41
Hey Kaz,
thats dreadfull news, im sure you will get another job, please keep coming to NMP.
Sorry the reply isnt much help, havin a bad one today.

Take care



17-07-06, 19:57
You poor thing.
I was made redundant in January and now have a new job but I think all the upheaval has contributed to my anxiety/panic. You will be fine, don't rush into anything and keep positive and make sure you keep going out and about even if it's just for a pint of milk just so you don't stagnate in the house.

Take care xx


17-07-06, 22:23
thanks all of you so sweet nearly made me cry again!!! all good advice and thanks for taking time to reply well day 2 of unemployment tommorrow will let you know how it goes but at the moment im dreading it!!! thanks again kaz x

18-07-06, 12:51
Hi Kaz.

Sorry to hear about your job, I was sacked from my proper job not long ago and its not nice at all. Have been looking for a job for ages. You are entitled to some kind of benefit if you have been made redundant so it may be worth giving the job centre a ring. If you are too panicky to go out and look for a job then perhaps you could use the internet to look for one? Hope you find a job soon mate.

x x

18-07-06, 13:44
Hi Kaz

I teach employment law and if your redundancy has occurred in the manner you have stated your employer is out of procedure as there has been no consultation procedure either individually or collectively - tell them you'll settle for a compromise agreement or you'll take them to the employment tribunal.

Good luck - feel the fear and do it anyway


polly daydream
18-07-06, 17:20
Sorry Kaz but that did make me laugh, stuck at home alone with your mates panic and anxiety, that is so true, I am in that situation at the moment. Sorry to hear that you have lost your job, I hope eventually you will get the courage to look for another one.

Good luck,


18-07-06, 19:11
thanks all!!! kay i was interested in what you said about employment law is it ok to pm you with the details and maybe you could tell me what you think? i would be very grateful! today has been ok cause my son was home all day but thursday i will be home alone!!! panic not there at all today now im wondering if it was work making it worse? any thoughts on that one guys??? luv kaz x

18-07-06, 21:16
Sorry to hear about your job Kazzie. As you didn't like the job much try to see it as a positive and use the time to find something you really want to do.
take care
love Helen

18-07-06, 22:45
Hi Kaz

Have PM's you regarding the information you need to give me!! Hope you're feeling a bit better now.
All the best