View Full Version : Feeling helpless

09-07-12, 19:41
I have recently joined this website in the hope that someone out there can relate to me, I am feeling so alone right now... I am self diagnosed with Health Anxiety, a discovery I made not too long ago.

Since October 2011 I have been feeling very tired, headaches nearly everyday on the right side of my head, and generally feeling sluggish and unwell, have been to the doctors for blood tests (which in themselves have tested just about everything possible to test), I've had urine tests and even a depression asessement but no one can tell me anything.

I recently went again complaining about these nagging pinching headaches on the right side of my head/temple (I have one now) and they told me I should go for an eye test and will refer me to a migraine clinic, however I am constantly plagued by negative thoughts that I might have a brain tumour which has been undetected or I have a disease I do not know about. I am 22 and an otherwise fit and healthy person who eats healthily and exercises nearly everyday, however I have suffered with chronic anxiety for as long as I remember and I am beginning to think the doctors think I am mad :(
I have recently pinpointed my anxiety to health related issues and worrying that I am going to die because of some undetected illness/tumour.

Any comments or information would be so gratefully received right now, it's a comfort in itself knowing there are others who also suffer with this horrible anxiety condition.

Many Thanks :)

09-07-12, 19:55
Hi, my name is Helen. Welcome to the site. You are not alone and what you have said I and I'm sure others can completely relate too. I'm 30 and have had Health Anxiety for years maybe 10yrs but its hard to pin point when . You will find that you may go through stages of where you may feel fine and times when you are convinced you have something wrong with you. People with Health anxiety are more in tune with body sensations that other don't even notice. have you thought that maybe these headaches you have are tension related? The more tense and homed in on that headache we are the likely hood of us getting on or it getting worse is higher.
Have a chat with your doctor to see if there is any support near you to help you with the anxiety.
I'm always here if you need to chat as a long standing sufferer of Health anxiety I have a few tales to tell

09-07-12, 20:06
U no u are definitely not alone in this.. I suffer with bad headaches. Especially in my temple n I nearly ended up paying 1000 pound to have a private MRI scan cos I was so convinced I had a tumour :-( Eventually in time the headaches eased and I thought to myself. Right iv had a headache for nearly 3 months constantly and if I had anything wrong with me then surely it would have gotten worse or something else would be happening to me. You see if you had a tumour u wouldn't have ur co ordination. For instance touch ur nose with ur fingers as fast as u can. Things like that u can't do with a tumour. We all go through the thinking of a tumour in health anxciety as we all suffer with the bad headaches. I still get them now that can last for afew weeks. I wake with them and go to bed with them. Ur not alone so please dont think u are. Once u put that stupid thought aside the headaches will go x

11-07-12, 18:46
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me, it's comforting to think you are not alone, I am unable to talk about this anxiety to my parents or friends for fear of people thinking I am going mad.

I managed to get through yesterday without a headache and had a peaceful nights sleep yet today I have that same headache again which spawns these thoughts of a brain tumour, I am going to the doctors next week and part of me wants to ask for an MRI scan to literally put my mind at rest, however I know doctors don't readily offer them as they are so expensive, has anyone had one before and if so, did you have to ask? I just notcied Sammie you said you'd had one, 1000 pounds? Perhaps I won't be able to ask for one then :(

I almost feel sick with this headache, but am not sure whether that could be my anxiety playing a part in it or not.

Hope you're having a worry free day :)

11-07-12, 20:03
hi i too have health anxiety and its horrible, i was told the constant worrying is what causes the health issues its such a horrible cycle.

I too have headaches like you describe and lots of other things. It can really get you down when you feel like your always ill and i know i look around and sometime feel like im in this kinda bubble.

All i can say is take each day as it come, rest as much as you can, dont put yourself down and try to reason in your mind on the positive name " my head is bad again but i am ok" in time it helps.