View Full Version : Hi everyone!

09-07-12, 19:42
Hello, I'm Michael. I'm from Poland. I had found this forum accidentally during googling so I entered and I think it's the place for me. Especially for we don't have such a board in Poland so...

I suffer from health anxiety. When something is wrong with my body, I start googling and it usually ends up bad for me - one day taken off my life. Panic attack. Every time it has to be something of the worst things I could ever imagine.

I'm hoping to find here some support for my shattered nerves :)

PS. Please forgive my imperfect English language.

09-07-12, 19:54
Hi Ventussi

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-07-12, 22:01
As you have probably noticed here, everyone is welcome, anxiety has no barriers:D

Your English is 100% better than my Polish:blush:


Veronica H
09-07-12, 22:13
:welcome:to NMP. This is a friendly place with good information and support.


Vanilla Sky
09-07-12, 22:47
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

09-07-12, 22:53
:welcome: to NMP! I hope you find yourself at home here. :)