View Full Version : Constant fear of Brain Tumour/Going Blind

09-07-12, 20:46
Lately my eyes feel really tired, and they feel strained when reading/looking at a computer or television. When looking far away things feel a bit distorted sometimes. I've also been experiencing floaters (faint grey dots or objects, only noticable when moving my eye to the right and looking at a pale background). It's almost like they are on the bottom right of my eye.

Over past couple days I feel really sick, and a bit dizzy. When standing up or moving my head up quick, I feel more dizzy. For years (before major anxiety started 6 weeks ago) when waking up if I sit up quickly in morning, or when going to toilet seconds after waking up, I feel a bit faint/dizzy for few seconds, but always thought that was me growing and blood rushing to head. But I get that a lot over past couple days. I'm teriffied of blood clot, or circulation problems, which could lead to aneursm, stroke etc.

Are these symptoms of anxiety? Has anyone else ever had it? Over past 6 weeks health anxiety (brought on my prolonged stress I think) has taken over my life.

09-07-12, 21:11
These are symptoms of needing to see an optition. All sounds a bit like eye strain to me but i'm really not qualified so don't take my word for it. I'd definately say, book an eye test.

Good luck


09-07-12, 21:14
Also - the other day when startled by someone knocking at the door (it's quite rare for someone to knock), my head was pounding I could feel my pulse at the back of head and in right ear, it felt like someone was literally knocking on the back of my head, it was terrifying. I worry this is brain tumour related, or a problem with blood getting to my head/circulation. Terrified =/

09-07-12, 21:15
It's not symptoms of a brain tumour. If you're really worried, you should speak to you GP and/or Optitian.

09-07-12, 21:24
On optician. I agree. I got glasses now and when I hadnt I had all kinds of crazy symptoms.