View Full Version : Struggling today

09-07-12, 22:15
I am really struggling today, I took my daughter to the doctors yesterday so he could check a mole on her arm. She is only eight years old and he told me it was ok and just to take a picture of it, measure it and watch for any colour changes. Normal people would listen and get on with it. Not me I havent slept, and keep thinking what if he's wrong. Then I get upset, because I am thinking about it, something bad is going to happen to her. My anxiety includes all my family x x I feel so scared at times, my husband is very supportive but I struggle to talk to him. I just want to feel normal again. I hope that day will come

09-07-12, 22:32
I completely understand. I'd be exactly the same. My kids are my world. I wouldn't sleep n worry like mad :-( I feel for u. I'd do what he tells u. Just keep ur eye on it. Has it just come up all of a sudden or something? X

09-07-12, 22:46
Thanks for your reply, No its been there a long time (she calls it her watch, because of where it is) it has got bigger as she has got older. I know its sounds stupid but I was watching daybreak and the dr on there was talking about the sun and moles. My mind went into overdrive. I had been doing so well. I love my daughter more than life itself, I need to get this out of my head its making me ill again. I just feel sick to my stomach. I can cope with the symptoms just not the irrational thoughts.

09-07-12, 22:46
Have you talked to your doc about your struggles?

09-07-12, 22:52
I had a Dr's appointment just after my daughters. My GP told me its very rare for things to be untoward with children. My doctor is very understanding, she has always asked about my anxiety and how I am coping. She knows I am a worrier I have been on citalopram but came off last year. I want to try and cope with my anxiety without using medication. I know i need to trust the GP but its very hard.