View Full Version : Just a test?

10-07-12, 09:39

My Anxiety had become better and better managed of late and things were seemingly starting to clear up until yesterday when i started to get twitches first on my thumb and eye and then my foot.

They come and go during the day but its really testing my recovery i dont know to just continue to ignore and keep positive or start to worry again i felt my legs start to go weak again and my eye started getting ready to play games just not sure what to do.

10-07-12, 12:09
Hi Jayred - if you can try to ignore it. I know it's difficult because I'm in a very similar position. Please stay positive - you're doing so well. xx

10-07-12, 13:51
Thank you Meche im trying i really am every day is different and i think ive figured out this will never change quickly but i need to keep going and not let it bring me down.

Just seems as though when 1 thing starts to clear ur brain trys to play games with you so difficult.

10-07-12, 14:44
I'm right there with you! I had a few weeks of being almost symptom free and felt normal(ish) again then BOOM.... woke up one morning with eye pain, headaches and a sense of dread. That's been with me on/off for 2 weeks now and it is getting better but like you say it won't change quickly. It seems the symptoms come suddenly but don't go in the same way. How unfair is that :huh:!! I get random twitching too so you are definitely not alone. Anxiety is great isn't it :doh:. xx

10-07-12, 14:49
Totally agree with you. These things are sent to test us and twitches are v common for anxiety sufferers. Hang on in there.

10-07-12, 14:59
Im suffering with twitches myself. Mine is in the corner of my nose :-( I think it's more like a tic but I keep getting twitches in legs, head and body. Im just trying to ignore it x