View Full Version : Anyone else experienced feeling as of food is stuck in oesophagus?

10-07-12, 13:36
This really is doing me in. For two months now I have been having issues with feeling like food is getting stuck in throat/oesphagus. Now every time I eat, I feel a slight pressure feeling at top of chest and I'm worried that food is stuck there... I had a full gastroscopy 18 mths ago and all was fine. I am 36 yrs old, a woman and do not smoke , nor drink very much, but am still worried that I have oesophagal c. I have looked at stats for this type of c and it works out that about 300 women under 55 get this cancer per year - pretty rare for my age then.... Any support would be great.

10-07-12, 13:50
Hi back in November to january i had these problems with my throat and its quite typical of Anxiety of course its best to get things checked out.

Does it come as the day goes on normally or first thing in the morning?

10-07-12, 13:53
i get this too and constant dirrohea and heartburn doc tested me for h plori and i had it, last night thought i was gonna die coldnt breath kept trying to clear my throat and made it so sore

10-07-12, 14:45
It stays with me all day really but seems to be even more noticeable after eating.... I have it as soon as I wake up and stays till I go to sleep. Did u worry about oesophagus c when u had it???

10-07-12, 14:47
Yeah i worried daily which then had the counter effect of actually causing the problem

What stopped mine was basically a placebo affect. I started taking tablets for IBS which in turn made me think it went away but in turn the IBS i had was also caused by anxiety so the IBS tablets didnt even do anything both went away basically because my mind made them go away

10-07-12, 14:48
no i just worry about stomache c

10-07-12, 14:51
So you had the feeling of food getting stuck - pressure in top of chest etc and did yours start as soon as you woke?

10-07-12, 15:27
Sometimes when i woke sometimes later on in the day not consistently every day when i woke up.

If you are really worried get it checked and trust in what the doctor says but it can be very much a normal sign in Anxiety

10-07-12, 16:08
Thanks for your comments. My feeling is not always as bad, especially when I forget about it or do something else. But having health anxiety always makes you over analyse every ache, pain etc you have and so of course you over analyse how your throat/oesophagus feels every time you swallow etc- it's a running battle. I'm sure it's anxiety, but just never had the pressure in upper chest feeling, only ever had feelings like food stuck in throat before.

11-07-12, 18:40

I had an episode of this for about six months. It was horrible, but it was anxiety.


11-07-12, 19:15
Yes. I went crying to my GP.

It was a mixture of reflux and anxiety. It lasted a long time though.

12-07-12, 00:51
classic anxiety. worrying is causing your throat/chest muscles to tense and its causing this. i wouldnt worry.