View Full Version : stressed,upset, every other day.!!!!

emma chant
17-07-06, 19:22
HI All...
Very,very,very stressed out with my dad not understanding
me not being able to go to school and anxiety.[V]
When i can't do it he says: you didn't go then and make face.
Mum is really supportive dad isn't.
I'm gonna see counsceler again and get her to make him understand.
Can't wait until i go away for a week.
Don't want to live life anymore.[xx(]:(

e chant

17-07-06, 20:05
i know what you are feeling and thinking as i have been going through the same thing. if you have any chill pills try to take them before you go to school. something that also sometimes gets my mind off it is a stress ball or a foam ball. try it it might help you. try let your father know how you are always feeling especially when you are not at home as this might help him to understand what you are going through. be open with him. i might be 31 but due to the attacks, depression, etc. it has forced me to move back into my parents home. ask your councellor for info for your parents and always do it one day at a time which helps me, otherwise i wont be able to live anymore. put more messages here if you still feel like this as we will try our best to help. always try to have something to look forward to for the day, no matter how small it may be.


emma chant
17-07-06, 20:13
Feeling really emotional and just want to get away from my place.
Got my home tutor tomorrow morning but at moment don't want to have

e chant

18-07-06, 17:52
emma sometimes it is impossible to explain to those closest what we are going through. but i feel it is not really their fault for i know had i not gone through this then i would find it hard to understand others who had

i hope he realises but remember it is not your priority to make others see, it is more important to recover.

so glad you have your mum eh


polly daydream
18-07-06, 18:24
Hi Emma, hope you are feeling better today sweety, you mustn't give up on life hun, you are far to young to be saying things like that, you have your whole life ahead of you, which I'm sure will turn out fantastic, remember, through life not everybody is going to be understanding about your anxiety but at least you have your mum who I'm sure will always stand by you.

Take care,

Polly xx

19-07-06, 08:56
Hi emma,
I know how your feeling my dad doesn't understand my anxiety and stress. i have my mum she's the only one that really understands what i'm going through. i've given up tryin to make him understand, some people will never understand it because they don't know what it's like. hope your feeling feeling a bit better

take care

Flutterby xx

emma chant
19-07-06, 16:28
Thanks all of you.
Monday got told my tutor won't be teaching me because
of her age(ritirement).[:O]:(
Got to have another lady,and i'm going to start councililg again
with the lady i saw a couple of years ago.

e chant

emma chant
20-07-06, 18:04
I saw my tutor earlier on last time shes teaching me.
Sad because shes been my home tutor for 4yrs,going to miss her.
We had a hug.

e chant

20-07-06, 18:27
Hi Emma.

Sorry to hear you are feeling like this mate. Please try and stay positive and things will get better. Don't give up hun.

x x