View Full Version : ate some cream that had gone sour

10-07-12, 19:36
hi guys,
so I'm freaking out a bit.
We were at a restaurant and me and Mam shared some chocolate fudge cake and cream. I only had two bites and it tasted fine but then Mam said the cream tasted a bit 'zingy' so I tried it and then everyone else at the table smelled it and said it was sour!
Then everyone started making fun saying we'd spend the rest of the night on the toilet which is fun if I was a normal person but for someone with health anxiety I'm scared :S
My stomach is sensitive anyway and I've been feeling sick the last couple of days which is normal for me but I'm worried I'll be really ill now!
Rationally I'm thinking well whats done is done can't do anything about it but it'd make me feel better if someone would say oh yeah I've done that I was fine....hopefully!
thanks in advance

10-07-12, 20:09
dont worry at all, you can buy sour cream (mmm Taco's) and it is exactly the same process.

Nothing to cause illness but you should have complained and got a free pudding for next time!

10-07-12, 20:33
thanks Plot! hehe we did complain and got our money back so that a bonus anyway :)

10-07-12, 20:58

Nothing to worry about at all - like the previous post - hope you got your money back!