View Full Version : Small, hard lumps in neck, what is it?

10-07-12, 21:23

I am an 24 year old female, and about 6 years ago I first noticed a hard movable lump on the left side of my neck about 1cm long.

I ignored this for a long time, but gradually more begun to appear all over the neck, varying in size. I mentioned in the doctor a few times, and normally just got told it was raised glands.

Anyway, in the last 18 months or so these lumps have begun to cause pain after having not done so previously.

As I said before, they vary in size from a few millimetres to about 1cm, usually round and even in shape, firm yet movable and appear all over the left side of my neck. Also, they can only really be felt when pressing hard and are mostly invisible externally.

Any ideas anyone?

10-07-12, 21:36
They are probably lymph nodes or glands but if they are causing pain then please let your doc take a look at them.

10-07-12, 21:36
Are u sure there not sore threw u prodding them? Also ur neck is full of glands that often raise from a sore throat, rotting teeth, head injury and lots of other things. If a gland swells bigger than 2cm then I'd be worried but if a gland is smaller than 2cm u have nothing to worry about :-)