View Full Version : I have stopped the drug but still worrying about side effects!

11-07-12, 12:09
I took Mitrazapine for 10 days but stopped them 12days ago.
In the so rare as to be impossible to quantify section of the info on them it listed scary things like your life threatening infections due to depression of cells in your blood etc.
It said signs of infection like high fever, sore throat and mouth ulcers.

I stopped taking them because they gave me crippling heartburn and I put 5lbs on in 10 days. I was taking them to help with sleep problems but they were not helping after 3 days so Dr said stop them.

The last day I took them I got an ulcer on my gum under a dental plate ( I had sucked some sweets the day before) and it will not go away so off to dentist on Friday. All I could think was MOUTH ULCERS panic panic!

Then two days ago I got awful cough, terrible irritation below your voice box and hurts to cough ( was with some kids a few days before who were coughing badly).

I know this is silly as I only took tablets for 10 days but I keep thinking that they have afected my blood and this is why I have got these two things. I have only just had all my blood tests done the week before I started on tablets and everything was normal so have no reason other than my obsessing to ask for another full blood count.

I know this is a classic symptom of health anxiety and really don't want to have to admit this to my Dr good as he is.

Help me see sense!