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View Full Version : Think I have health anxiety. Need help and advice

11-07-12, 13:59
First of all please accept my apologies if I have posted in the wrong part of these forums.. I'm new to forums so hope I am posting in the right place.

Hi i'm 27 years old and have suffered from GAD and depression for over 8 years now. I'm really not happy with the diagnosis from both my GP and Mental health team. They keep telling me that all I have is GAD and too be honest I probably do but I feel that's only part of whats wrong.

I'm mostly house bound tho I do have my good days where I can actually get out. What I need is an opinion from a outside source. So I will go ahead and explain my symptoms and hopefully someone can help me with some advice.

I have all the classic symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder however the reasons I suspect I have health anxiety are as follows..

I can't go out on my own even a short walk is sometimes too much, the feeling of dread is always there and i know this is linked to GAD but the dread I feel is related to a physical feeling. If I have minor chest pain for example I think OMG heart attack.
I'm constantly checking my body for any changes that may indicate something is wrong with my physically.
All the normal symptoms of anxiety such of chest pain, increased heart rate etc, seem to increase and become much worse.
I'm always going to the doctors, which i dread.. but somethings getting tests is the only thing that keeps me half sane.

It's horrible and sometimes I feel like such a child. It get's that bad I have to make a phone calls to my mother who is almost at times like the blanket I never wanted to let go of as a child. I can't even go to the doctors on my own it's pathetic. My situation got that bad that a couple of years ago I even attempted self harm.

Going out almost feels like a phobia, I can't go anywhere without the feeling like something bad is going to happen and no one will be there to help. When my GAD symptoms become worse it just reinforces the idea in my head that something is seriously wrong. I have had to call a ambulace verious times due to the belief that something is seriously wrong with my physically.. things like heart attacks and strokes mainly.

No matter how much I go see the doctor or tell myself it's nothing just stop panicking it only gets worse!!! I have tried everything from meditation to medication and nothing helps. Advice and opinions would be much appreciated.

Many thanks, Anthony

11-07-12, 14:44
It sounds like health anxciety to me. R u on meds? X

11-07-12, 14:54
I am taking propanolol (beta blockers) and mirtazapine (anti-depressants) right now. The propanolol calm me down a little and the mirtazapine help me sleep. Both given to me on the basis I have GAD so I have been taking them for years.

11-07-12, 15:00
Im on propranolol. 40 mg and citalopram 30mg. I'd consider changing ur meds x

11-07-12, 15:14
I had a bad reaction to citalopram :( and I am also on 40mg propanolol but I only take one a day x

11-07-12, 20:08

Im new here too and feel alot like you do, its horrible isnt it?

Dont put yourself down your not pathetic just suffering thats all, i just try to take each day as it comes, rest when i can and do little things as i feel stronger.

i was on zispin too for about 14 months, sending hugs:bighug1:

11-07-12, 21:49
I do have my good days but it's horrible being held back by this anxiety.. I lost a relationship and many friends due to it which in turn made things 100x worse. Every day is a battle right now

11-07-12, 22:17
Hi Anthony

I can totally relate to what you have said. I have been suffering with anxiety for probably about 5 years and basically just put up with it and tried to carry on as best I could, however this past few months ive been really ill with it. I've been getting chest pains, dizziness, palpatations and I've been convinced that im going to have a heart attack. Along with all the other symptoms of anxiety as well, I didnt know what was wrong with me. I had blood tests done, which were fine but it still didnt reassure me.

Im now off work because everytime I walked out the door it all started and I felt so bad at work that I dont know how I got through the day sometimes. I dont want to leave the house most of the time, Ive managed to go out today on my own for the 1st time in weeks, only because I had too. I also have to take a friend to the Drs with me as well, she even comes in to the see the Dr with me.

Sorry to ramble on but just want you to know that you are by no means alone and its not pathetic (believe me, I feel the same alot of the time). If you ever want a chat, feel free to message me.

Take care
Jon :)

12-07-12, 22:52
I think I should chip in and say I am totally along the same train of thought as you are, so please don't think that you are alone through this.

For almost 2 years now I have been feeling drained, struggling to concentrate when I was at work, fatigued, dizzy, foggy in the head, and a constant headache which is sometimes pounding. In truth I just can't get going, and every time I have to leave house, walking feels 100x extra the effort.

I have been going to the doctors for over a year about this and have had so many blood tests, but they all come back 'normal' - I am now receiving counselling from a wellbeing practitioner, which admittedly has helped me, and is aimed at trying to get me more active. But every single day I just feel the same. In my last 6 months of my last job, which I have now lost, was going into work every day, like you Jon, wondering how on earth I would get through the day, and that was before I'd even sat at my desk. It got so bad that I always felt feint at work, like I was going to pass out. I can totally see why you are worried with feelings you have in your chest - with me it is the headaches and tiredness that worry me - it feels like whatever the doctors tell you, you just can't get your head around it being 'just' anxiety/stress. I am exactly in the same boat - even the same age as you - and I feel there is more to it than just anxiety, but I am one day going to have to trust the doctors judgement. All I know is, I have lost my job, therefore money, therefore my social life is pretty much non-existant and everything is a struggle right now.

How did you find the mental health team? What sort of treatment/ideas did they have for you?

As Jon said, you are not alone so go ahead and post whenever you feel you need to.