View Full Version : sudden rise in blood pressure

11-07-12, 16:30
So far this year I have had 3 incidents where I suddenly felt like I was going to pass out but at the same time got this huge rush or wave going up from my chest to my head, the latest one happened yesterday so I sat on my bed and took my blood pressure as I thought I was going to pass out, however my BP was much higher than normal but still felt increasingly light headed and shaky, over the next 20 mins it got up to 160/105 by this time I had rung the doctor and got my husband to take me down there, by the time I got there I felt as if I was going to collapse and couldnt stop shaking, she checked me over and said there was nothing to worry about just go home get some rest, I am presuming she thought it was a panic attack but wouldnt say, I should really be content with her diagnosis but cannot understand why it suddenly shoots up so high but my pulse only ever goes up to about 70 -75, I forgot to ask her about this. I am not on and medication, BP is normally under 120/80 and resting pulse is about 60, just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes but havent started Metformin yet, My BP came back down to normal after about 90 mins.
I am anxious everyday but have been since I was 18 and its part of everyday life, I change from minute to minute although I think I have become quite depressed lately which I havent had to deal with before.
Is it possible that during a panic attack your BP can go right up but your pulse stay relitively normal??? Just worried that it was'nt a panic attack...as you do!!

11-07-12, 18:38

I can really relate to this. I was ill a while ago and had a kind of seizure..whilst I was having the siezure I panicked massively and by BP shot up to well over 170/140 (i don't know how high it eventually went because the paramedics knocked me out). Anyway, I'd never really noticed or worried about BP before but I've since learnt that panic and stress can elevate your BP drastically temporarily. It's scary but very normal.. it happen during childbirth as well. Also a friend had similar readings during a manic bipolar episode.

I wouldn't worry about it. High BP is only ever really a problem if it stays high for a long time.
