View Full Version : happy to meet you all

11-07-12, 19:54
I wanted to say hi and just tell you a little about myself.
I have suffered now with very bad panic attacks for about 10 years, they started after the birth of my daughter when i nearly died.
They are so bad that they last for hours and hours, they make me very ill with violent shaking, vomiting, dizziness, pains in my arms and legs and eventually my body shuts down and i pass out.
I am managing to work but i struggle with alot of everyday things like going new places and my biggest problem is i cant stay away from home so holidays are a no no.:weep:
Im not currently on any medication, ive had a little cbt, and eft. Nothing helps!
ive done lots and lots of self help and this has improved things but its still a daily struggle i have medication i take when i have an attack that effectively sedate me but i hate the affect effects.What i hate the most is the effect it has on those you love.
I have few friends and my family have no understanding of my illness and i hate how this illness makes you feel so alone and isolated. i have joined this group looking to meet people that understand and help me realise im not alone and to fine support, so hello:yesyes:

11-07-12, 20:04
Hi sadprincess

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

11-07-12, 21:21
Hi Sadprincess.:welcome:

Sorry to hear about the incident that started it all off,and yes panic attacks and Mental Health problems are very hard to tell people about,people can see a broken arm but not a broken mind.Relatives and close family/friends still have the old "snap out of it mentality" and yes its a lonely illness wihout much support..

Can your doctor not put you on medication to stop the attacks in the first place,your talking about sedation at the time of the attacks, something i am guessing like Diazapam that relaxes the body and tires you out.

If i was you i woud vist the GP and ask about maybe a medication that can prevent or at least lesson the attacks in the first place.

If you need to chat i am here good luck Richard x:)

11-07-12, 21:31

Veronica H
11-07-12, 22:23
:welcome:to NMP xV

11-07-12, 23:45
Hello and :welcome:

Jon :)

12-07-12, 08:56
hi thank you for your reply. i have seen my doctor but hes not helpful, i was on zispin but it never stopped the attacks only helped me deal with them. they have suggested beta blockers so im looking into this option.
So nice to talk to others that understand

12-07-12, 16:08
hi thank you for your reply. i have seen my doctor but hes not helpful, i was on zispin but it never stopped the attacks only helped me deal with them. they have suggested beta blockers so im looking into this option.
So nice to talk to others that understand


I asked my Doctor about beta blockers for my attacks and he said Citalopram would be better, and its working well with my anxiety/Panic attacks so might be worth asking your doc about that option.

Although for these attacks you have to take a higher dose.

If you need any help just ask.Richard.:)

12-07-12, 17:22
thanks richard i will try to talk to my doctor and see what he suggests. i was given prozac at one point but that made me so ill.

i just hate how it limits your life and how you feel like your on the outside watching everyone else enjoy life.

hope your ok too :hugs:

12-07-12, 17:28
Thanks yes i was on seroxat at one time and clomipromine both were unhappy expieriences for me.

Citalopram may not be right for you as it can leave you a little sleepy light headed but is ddefinately for me, but i do hope you find what is right for you at some point after talking with your doctor obviously not everything works for everyone.

Wish you well wil be pleased to chat when i am around.:hugs:Richard.

12-07-12, 18:30

Hi sadprincess a very warm welcome to you.
Iv been taking a beta blocker propranolol 40mg a day for 8 weeks now which has reduced my anxiety.

14-07-12, 09:45
HI nathan

thank you, my doctor has given me 10 mg to take twice aday so i will see how it goes.

thank you everyone for your advice.

hope everyone is ok and managing this horrible illness

14-07-12, 17:00
Hello :)
I am so glad you have found nmp :):hugs:
Its sounds so horrible what you're going through. But you should be so pleased of yourself to stillk be going to work. Rather than isolatig yourself constantly which makes it worse.
But the people on nmp are here to help you by simply listening and offering there advice :) xxxx

14-07-12, 19:00
Hi Princess. Don't be sad.

You have my heartfelt sympathy. Most of us on here understand. I think I do. My Pas were nasty. I thought I was going to die, heart attack, etc. They tended to be one-ffs but sometimes came in waves and then die down. Not as bad as yours I don't think (never passed out), but I hope I can reassure you.

After 6 months of various therapies, self-help, yoga and medicines (propanolol and cit) I have some normality back in my life. The Pas are now rare and I'm back at work and getting on with life. You will get better!

All best


16-07-12, 09:24

thank you so much for all your replies, i went to my doctor and he just seems so useless, anyway after a long discussion am going to try beta blockers but only in small dose as i already have low blood pressure. Im really hoping they work. So nice to talk to you all.

take care and speak soon :yesyes: