View Full Version : General Health Anxiety

11-07-12, 21:13
Hi guys.

Past few months I've been feeling ill, different symptoms but all range around the head and feeling nauseous

I've been to 2 doctors, both have looked in my eyes and done there thing and 1 said i was ok maybe sinusitis and the other said definite sinusitis and gave me a steroid nasal spray.

All cleared up, but then i played football and after for bout 20 minutes my eyes would struggle to focus on anything close to me (Within arm length)

Since then, I've started getting tingles (not pins and needles) in my right arm and back.

I've looked up on the internet and all that I'm having is listed up the health anxiety symptoms. I'm booked in with the doctor again tomorrow but wanted to speak to someone and see if anyone else may of had these symptoms?

I've also had my eyes tested, which came back completely normal.

Sorry for the long post, this has been a few months in the making!

13-07-12, 23:17
Hi i have this with the eye sight if i have been looking far away and then stop. It is probably where you are focusing away and then when you stop playing you will change your vision to people closer to you or to changing your boots.

It souds like you have noticed it and become sensitive to it which makes it all more noticeable.Also i find after exercise my sight feels odd anyway especially if you get hot and your heart rate is increased.
If you have had your eyes tested im sure all is fine as they really would pick up on a problem, if there was much of an issue with your vision when switching from far to near it wouldnt correct its self in a short time would it :) most anxious symptome die off after about 20 minutes i find ?
What do you actually think is wrong ?

17-07-12, 13:19
Hi Rocky, thanks for the reply.

I've got this constant fear of brain tumour, i don't know why, maybe it's because it's been a fear of mine for years.

Opticians said i was fine and if there was anything they could of spotted it and I've seen like 3 doctors, all say I'm fine.

I've been told symptoms are fits, tunnel vision, vomiting, all of which i'm not having so i guess that's a positive, right?