View Full Version : can i trust him anymore?

11-07-12, 23:17
I have been with my boyfriend for a year and in that time we've been through a lot. We were planning on moving intogether by september.
But I'm not sure. I love him but I'm worried about being hurt and being left homeless or living with someone just to not be lonely.
A few months ago my boyfriend came to me telling me he'd been watching porn I was devestated. As I had said I hate it because of my abuse and general self image. We tryed working through it but i went on his phone today as he got dead jumpy when I had picked it up. There was amessage deleted with sexy messages on.
I panicked cryed and left. We met up and he said before he'd met me he went on a dating site but now they just send him spam and he didn't tell me because he thought I wouldn't believe it.
I believe him but I'm not sure if that's just because I love him and don't want to admit he might not love me and that I am quite alone.
Messages and advice would be really appreciated because I have no idea what to dothanks s for reading

11-07-12, 23:45
Listen to your own instincts hun. If you're not sure then leave it a bit longer until you are sure. You're young and have your whole life ahead of you. Don't cram it all in to such a small space in time.

Trust is such an important thing in a relationship, If you are having doubts then ask your boyfriend to understand this and bide his time. You're thinking very maturely so please like i said above, Trust your instincts, take your time and make sure you are 100% sure before you take such a massive step.

Goog luck


12-07-12, 11:38
I agree with Lisa, thinking of you.

12-07-12, 14:13
Thank you for messaging me.
I do trust him very much he helped me get a home and he supports me with my mental health etc all the time. I think I just neeed to work on my own insecuritites before it ruins my relationship. Xxx

12-07-12, 14:23

You sound really sensible i am probably a good deal older then you and my marriage failed because of my metal health problems,i really hope you manage to sort out your relationship Mental Heath is a terrible disease alright but i am sure the advice you get on here will help,all the best Richard. :)

12-07-12, 14:58
Thanks richard :)
I'm so glad people haven't thought I'm being silly or over the top. Its just been on my mind. I think I am just so used to things going wrong so when my relationship goes right I'm so suprised I look for things that are going wrong xxx