View Full Version : My first boyfriend broke up with me through text

12-07-12, 07:01
The title says it all, but we only dated for three days and for the whole time we barely even talked.Btw im 13,but before we started dating he would talk to me every chance he got and then as soon as we start going out he just went mute. Then after three days he sent me a text saying he didn't have the same feelings for me he did before. But I tried talking to him and he would just reply in like one word answers and I don't know what happened. I really like him still he was sweet and nice and now my best friend wants to send him a message on Facebook just to mess with him but i don't want him to. I was crying just now because Our relationship lasted three days, he was my first boyfriend, he never talked to me and he broke up with me through a text. Please just i guess help me get over this. :unsure:

12-07-12, 12:15
Hello, mine did the same thing a while back, we were very close, then he finally asked me out but from then on he just seemed to treat me as a hindrance. I don't kow why they do it.
You are only 13 though, you have plenty of time to fall in love again. It may seem bleak now, but you will get over it. :hugs:

13-07-12, 18:20
Hello :)
I am really sorry you're feeling so down. I wouldn't want you to feel it was your fault it ended etc because I think our first real relationship are usually not very succesful. Hopefully you can still be friends with him. Feel free to message me any time xxx

18-07-12, 02:05
I'm sorry you're depressed. But to be honest, he sounds like a jerk and you deserve better! Some people just enjoy the "chase," and once they have the person they want, they lose interest. At least you found out about his true nature after only three days.

Breaking up sucks no matter how old you are, but you'll probably feel better in a few days. (And if it makes you feel any better, in a few weeks he'll probably be kicking himself for being such a jerk...it seems to take guys a little longer to feel the effects of a breakup sometimes.)