View Full Version : Went on holidy & loved it!!!

17-07-06, 23:05
Hello everyone, well I came back yesterday from Florida & guess what? I was ok!!! I got on that flight although I was feeling really sick with fear & worry & even cried at take off - but, after that I was actually ok - at some points I was even enjoying it & looking forward to going on holiday. It was so weird.

While on holiday I did have some anxiety like on the I4 which was always busy & got caught in some traffic jams, but I breathed through it & got through it without jumping out of the car screaming!!! (not that I've ever done this but often think I'm going to).

I survived the crowds at the parks & I even went on some roller coasters & other rides that I usually don't go on. I have to admit though the main reason for this is that my youngest was now able to get on most things so the choice I was faced with was stand outside while the 3 of them went on or just join them. There were some moments that I did think I am going to lose it while waiting in the lines because sometimes I did feel trapped. This is because alot of the rides lines are indoors & you would have to wade through everyone to get back out again. However, I stood my ground & went on the rides. I even went on the rocking roller coaster which goes upside down. I was laughing & crying all at the same time - I came off with my legs like jelly but the feeling of truimph that I actually did was so great that I soon forgot about how nervous I had been before it.

There was one ride that I really did have a panic attack (although inwardly only) & that was on Soaring in Epcot. We were ushered into a huge room with all this seats that we had to be strapped into. We were warned that if we were afraid of heights that we should not go on. I am, but I thought no I am going to do this. The lights went out & the seats were lifted quite high above the ground. Then the screen infront of us came on & basically you felt like you were flying over mountains, over water, over everything. I really started to panic then, I thought I am going to start screaming - I have to get off now. But I just kept saying to myself, if you are really scared you can close your eyes. But then that voice said: you are trapped high up - what if it broke down? However, I kept my eyes opened & tried to enjoy it. When it was over I was shaking, but I did do it so I was glad of that.

I felt quite anxious while on the monorail going into the Magic Kingdom, but I just did it anyway, & we went into that park 3x. So, even though I was feeling anxious I just did it.

I even went on an elevator while on holiday which is so unlike me. The first was at the hotel in Manchester the night before we flew. We were on the 3rd floor & even though I wanted to take the stairs I thought no, I am going to do this. It did help that it was a glass elevator though. Then half way through the holiday we went to a character breakfast at a Disney Hotel. We had to go on the elevator 2 floors to get to the restaurant. My stomach clenched but I thought no, you are going on it!!! So I did it!!!

However, one night we had been out for a meal with friends & they asked us back to their hotel for a drink in the bar. They wanted us to see their room which was on the 14th floor & it was a glass elevator to get to it. I wan not brave enough to do that. I just thought no, I just can't manage that today. Also, I still did not manage to do the Hulk at Islands. I just could not bring myself to do it. I was a little dissapointed with myself, but then I thought, a couple of failures on the whole holiday was not bad considering all the things that I did do. I decided not to dwell on those 2 things & remember how well I had done with the other things.

The flight home was excellant. Why? Because the anxiety did not hit me until the morning of the flight. Usually I cannot eat for days before, but even the night before I went out for a meal & was able to eat no problem. However, even that anxiety was not too bad & I did not even cry at take off. Amazingly I was quite relaxed!!!!!

18-07-06, 07:14
Wow - what a fantastic holiday you've had, well done:D
love Helen

18-07-06, 07:28

A huge well done to you!!! You've done brilliantly! Every year I think about Florida and every year I chicken out so I think its fantastic that you actually did it! You conquered so many things on this holiday.....I'm really impressed and inspired!

Good for you!

Coni X

18-07-06, 09:10
Hi panicdiva

WOW - my heart was racing reading about those rides and elevators - A MASSIVE WELL DONE - despite feeling the fear you still done it - brilliant.


........life is for living not just for surviving

marie ross
18-07-06, 09:19

A big well done to you. There would of been no way you would of got me on any of those rides!!!!!

Be proud of yourself, you have done brilliantly.

Take care.

Marie XXX

18-07-06, 09:55
well done
so glad you enjoyed your fantastic holiday
you are inspiring and as marie says be very proud

18-07-06, 12:32
well done you
you did so brilliant hope you have many more holidays you enjoy

emily xxx

if it looks like it works and feels like it works then it works!!!

18-07-06, 13:01
Thats Fantastic !!:D

A very big well done to you !!!!

You have achieved so much, it just goes to show if we put our mind to it we can do the things we fear so much.




18-07-06, 13:15

Well done, glad you had a nice time.

x x

polly daydream
18-07-06, 19:03
Well done, glad you had such a great time.


18-07-06, 21:23

I was thinking there is no way I would do half of that !!

A HUGE well done - you seem to achieve so much and a lot of it was really scary stuff.

Fab news to read and I am chuffed for you.

Well done on coping.


19-07-06, 10:35
OH MY GOD!!!THAT IS WONDEFUL NEWS...HUN YOU HAVE CRACKED IT!!Looking forward not back is the key ,as you did whilst in that queue.That is SUCH A HARD ONE TO DO!And you did it!Never let go of this feeling,hold it in your heart and your mind,as this is the real you,free and able to just 'do stuff;!!FABULOUS!Love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

19-07-06, 11:18
Thank you all for your kind comments. Mary Rose you are right about the queue being quite hard but at least now I know I can do it. Hopefully when I am faced with this again I will look back at this & remember that I can do it.

19-07-06, 12:52
I *knew* you could do it, and it seemed that you coped exceptionally well!

So many people here get worried about holidays and flights, but usually succeed. But going transatlantic and facing those rides was a big test.

Onwards and Upwards [8D]


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

19-07-06, 16:45
Well done you. Im so glad you had a great time

Take Care


20-07-06, 08:43

Just want to say a BIG WELL DONE GIRL.


You will be booking for next year soon.

Ive just come back from my hols and hope to do a posting very soon.


20-07-06, 20:05
Hi panicdiva,

I'm glad you had a good time, and you've done so well.

Well Done!

Heather x