View Full Version : Another bad day :-(

12-07-12, 13:13
I'm having such a bad day :-( Headaches, keep going lightheaded and just feel like poo. My eyes keep going funny and I feel paranoid ( I think) .. I have a 15 month old boy and a 6 year old daughter off school with tonsilitis and iv just put Nathan in his cot for a nap and a DVD on for Katie so I can have a lie down. Im sooo fed up of this. I'm 26 and suffered with health anxciety since the age of 20 . I started with anxciety from a job I worked at. I was told I'd added to much stress to my body in a short space of time which has left me like this. Iv had every symptom going. Well off for a quick sleep I go. I pray I wake up cured :-(

12-07-12, 13:28
Aw sending you a big hug:hugs: I know how you feel this anxiety just drains all our energy, do you have family that can help out so you can have a break now and then? X