View Full Version : Terrified =/ Please quick response

12-07-12, 18:14
I'm absolutely teriffied has anyone had any of these symtpoms?

A couple of times a day I get temporary ringing in my left ear for about a minute. My feels numb, and reduced hearing at the same time as the loud ringing. If in silence, I always have a dull ring in both ears, have had for months before my severe health anxiety started.

My eyes feel really sore, it almost constantly feels like someone is squeezing my eyes specially when working with computers and TV. I also feel quite sick and a bit dizzy a lot.

So scared I have a brain tumour, I know I have health anxiety, but is this normal? Today I also had an experience where everything felt like it wasn't really, almost like out of body, like a dream or something. THis was for about 5 minutes in the kitchen at work. I'm not worrying about things at the time of these symptoms. My symptoms are what cause my health anxiety.

Would really appeciate a quick response, considering going to A&E =/

12-07-12, 18:31
These are all normal symptoms of anxiety, I get them too! Even when we don't actuqlly feal anxious our subconcious mind still works away sending messages so this will start the symptoms then you start to feel anxious about them so it's a vicious circle, Beleive me I battled with soooo many different symptoms when I first got HA and once I saw the pattern I realised it was the anxiety! They all went away, over the years I have sometimes felt some of them like dizziness but it really doesn't scare me anymore and as soon as my mind sees i don't care the symptoms go! ;-)

12-07-12, 18:33
Hi hun. To start wiv ur ears. I have the exact same thing. In anxciety ur ears are very sensitive which makes things sound weird and the ringing is normal aswel. The dizziness is a feeling I suffer with alot aswel :'( Again bloody anxciety. The feeling of feeling like a dream or nor being in ur own body is known as depersonalisation :-( A horrible horrible feeling that u need to try and ignore. I have this aswel but it has to be ignored otherwise it will get worse. Have a quick read about it. It's all part of anxciety hun x

12-07-12, 18:38
The ringing is totally normal and I get it every single day. With me its as if one ear goes deaf and my head feels odd and then a split second later the ringing comes always in my left ear. I have read loads of other people who describe it same way.

I also get a feeling as if my ear drum is being banged or flapping and this only stops if I put my finger in my ear and waggle!

12-07-12, 18:46
Thank you all so much, this really is very reassuring. Feel much better now :)