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12-07-12, 19:42

I'm new posting here but I thought people may be able to share their experiences with me in order to help me to understand my own.

I've suffered from anxiety and panic attacks since about the age of 11, which was initially diagnosed and treated as epilepsy ¬_¬
I'm now 22 and have been un-medicated for almost two years although unfortunately I think the time may have come around for another medicinal boost.

The most crippling form of anxiety that I experience has got to be orientated around feeling guilty. I'm sure many of you are familiar with the guilt experienced when you wish you could rid yourself of your hook-ups for somebody elses sake but you simply can't find a way of doing it.

Anyway, I have recently adopted a rescue dog. He is perfect. He's an 'Olde English Bulldogge' and he's got all of the love in the world to give and is desperate to please. He has a few issues, but nothing serious, and he'd be a dream to train. However, I already had a dog and since he came along she's desperately unhappy. She begins fights with him constantly, it all starts as play, but it always ends with him bleeding. It's not fair on the dogs.

I want to perhaps foster him and find him a more suitable home, however, my anxiety fueled guilt prohibits me. I worry about what will happen to him and resolutely decide he must stay, then I tell my self sensibly that somebody will make him very happy and he them. But the guilt cripples me, and it's not ordinary guilt, it's the kind of thought process that happens when you're really riled up and can't hold any thought in your mind for one time, but you know that the thoughts that are there are profusely worrying.

Anyway, the issue to some would be minor, but I'm pretty sure I'm on the verge of a breakdown over it. I can't sleep or eat. I'm probably going to loose my job today because I can't function on my night shift anymore, and all because I can't get over my guilt and do what I know is the right thing. It doesn't even make any sense; if I know something is right why do I feel so terrible about it.

Do any of you have the same overload with situations in which it is possible for you to feel bad but you probably shouldn't? It's even more frustrating when people tell you to just stop thinking about it or that it's unjustified for you to feel like that.

Guilt is definitely my kryptonite. Does anybody else have a problem with it?

Long first post. Sorry,


12-07-12, 19:51
I think that you should contact Dogs Trust and ask for their advice. It is obvious that feel empathy for both of your dogs. Dogs Trust may have some ideas about how you can ease the situation at home. As a last resort they may suggest that you try and re-home your new dog.

I understand where you are coming from, I have 3 dogs of varying breeds and ages.

14-07-12, 11:21
Hi Phipp,

I think we are two peas in a pod with this one! I have had sleepless nights over things other people wouldn't bat an eyelid at.

I think the phrase that has been said to me most frequently throughout my life has been 'Stop saying sorry!'

It usually stems from a self esteem problem; it definitely does with me anyway. When you feel you aren't good enough, it makes you feel bad for everything and take responsibility for things that aren't your fault. Whereas a confident person would say 'This has happened because of this, this and this', someone with low self esteem would say 'This has happened because I did/didn't do this, this and this'.

I hope that makes sense and I hope you get your doggies sorted out! Give them a cuddle from me.


16-07-12, 11:34
I have exactly the same problem with guilt. I try to look at the situation logically and list the reasons why I should not worry about it. This sometimes help or just trying to do something else to occupy your mind.